Saturday, February 27, 2016

Election dreams

Last night I dreamed about my grandmother who was a suffragist.  She reminded me in my dream that women have had the vote for not quite 100 years and this year we need to get the women to the polls.  "It's important" she said.  "Women will be the key"  I hope so.

I look at what is being offered to the American people and I am afraid.  I think the Democrats have a nice crop of candidates and I am comfortable with either of the two front-runners and their ability to lead this country. Looking at what I call the Republican Clown car, however, I am terrified.

I cannot understand anyone who is not an old white man voting for Donald Trump.  The man is a menace.  His arrogance is shocking and his bigotry is CELEBRATED by his minions.  I wonder if he's paying them.  Somehow, I think his campaign is a BIG joke on the American public and he will pull out of the whole thing before he can be elected.  THEN he can make money selling his brand of crazy even more than if he were president.   I feel sorry for his wife.Apparently, she is a smart woman, but he drags her around like an inflatable doll and refers to her as a  "young, beautiful piece of ass".  She needs to pull a Marla Maples on him.  I believe Marla found someone more to her liking and split from the Donald.  Or take a page from Ivana's book "don't get even, get everything"  I see there was a "white pride" rally in California today sponsored by the KKK.  Who let those jerks in the state?  They are invoking Donald and his racists rants.  We need to put an end to this nonsense.  We need to vote.

The recent Republican debate made me burst into that song from the 80's "The Curly Shuffle" Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.  THESE people, name calling and finger pointing without any sort of debate-worthy discussion, want to LEAD THIS COUNTRY?  They can't think their way out of a paper bag.  Ben Carson?   I don't think he was even in the room. When they asked him a direct question he went off on a a tangent about his hands.  They all make me wish for the shifty-eyed political manipulations of Richard Milhous Nixon, and I HATED Nixon.

I truly wish the Republicans had someone with a plan that could be discussed.  Trump is going to build a wall between the US and Mexico.  Yeah. Does anyone see a wall running the whole of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas?   Mexico isn't going to pony up.  He's "going to make them pay for it"   Laughable, or it would be if some of his followers didn't truly believe that will happen.  Marco Rubio changes his mind more than he changes his tie.  Eduardo Cruz may not even qualify for the presidency.  Wasn't he born in Canada? Where are all the "birthers" on him?  "His mother was a US Citizen"  well if THAT is the argument, then so was Barrack Obama's mother when she gave birth to him- in HAWAII, which is a state of the Union.  Even so, his branch of "my way or the Highway" Christianity, with his father who is as crazy as a bedbug as his "adviser" should be enough to warn most of us off him.  His religion works for HIM, and that's just fine. It's when he wants us all to believe it or else that I have an issue.  There's a well circulated  meme, featuring Maggie Smith, that says "Religion is like a penis.  It's nice to have one, but when you take it out and wave it in my face we have a problem."  I couldn't agree more.

 I saw that Raven Symone saying she will leave the country "if any Republican gets nominated" Now, I believe she meant ELECTED, but if she didn't ( and I don't watch The View) SOMEONE needs to gently explain the system to her.  Maybe all those years with Bill Cosby turned her brain to Jello Pudding.  I don't think she is one of the best minds of her generation.  If she is, the next generation is in real trouble,

People talk about leaving this country if  so-and-so gets elected.  I am not leaving here, but I will  be very disappointed and somewhat frightened if one of the Republican candidates is elected.

1 comment:

  1. But at least we are finding out that The Donald, contrary to what Ivana once said, has bigger HANDS than "Little Marco."
    DEAR GOD! WHAT has it come to?


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