Wednesday, March 9, 2016


"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven"   To many of us 60's children, this is a song from the Byrds.  It is really from the Bible;  Ecclesiastes, one of the books of poetry in the Bible.   I don't want to get off on a tangent of theology here.  This is not the time.

Last night, Chris got a call from his former girlfriend, Linda.  He and Linda have not spoken in a while and with good reason.  But he took her call.  She told him that her son Ian had died. For a good portion of Ian's childhood, Chris was his step-father as he lived with Linda and helped her to raise him.  Ian was involved in our wedding ceremony, although the was older, we asked him to hold the rings so that he would be part of the service.  He was a nice young man, shy when he was around me and polite.  He had a hard time health-wise.   A few years ago, he had a kidney transplant.   We do not know the details of what happened, only that a cousin found him and he was gone.  He had just had his 20th birthday.

Please send prayers and love to his mother, Linda, his stepmother Angie, his father Bill and his family.  There has been far too much death lately and I want something else.  I want life and laughter and picnics and babies.  I want art and music and hugs.   I am weary beyond telling of death and sorrow.

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