Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I should be writing

I'm a writer, or at least in my heart and mind I am one, even if I am not a published author except for here in this blog.  That's not quite true, I was published in a newspaper for the United Crusade ( now the United Way) when I was seven.  I peaked early.  Recent events in my life have made me make a promise to myself to "find my art"  and so I renew my commitment to write something- anything- as often as I can.  The goal is daily and I will try my best. I wonder if I will have anything of note to say.

Here's how I operate.  I pour myself a cup of morning Joe and when the first jolt of caffeine hits my veins I start writing.  It's an exercise in free-form most of the time and what comes out is mostly what goes on in my head.  No filter.  It's kind of an experiment to see if my thoughts are cohesive or I am rambling.  Today I am rambling, well maybe meandering.  I like the word meandering. It sort of implies I am picking my way through the minefield of words that make up the inside of my brain.  Hence the title of this blog "Inside Robyn's brain"  I actually typed the word "mindfield" instead of minefield.  I wonder if that counts as a Freudian slip of sorts?

Uh oh,  I paused to read what I had written rather than just kept going so I am stalled here.  Probably a good place to stop in any case but I will be back at this in the morning.  I hope to talk about good books, art exhibits, great and not so great meals and trips we take when I venture out of the kitchen where the computer sits.  I promise to try to spend more time being thoughtful, less time complaining about thing and if I am complaining I want to be funny about it.  I promised myself I would spend less time playing mindless but entertaining casino games on Facebook and more time entertaining myself in my mind.

and buy a coloring book.  Yeah  I need one of those.  New crayons....

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