Thursday, March 10, 2016

McGroarty Arts Center

I have been volunteering on the Board at the McGroarty Arts Center since not long after I moved up to Tujunga- somewhere around 2005.  The Center is a wonderful place, the mission is affordable art education for all. It's also a non profit and in this day and age getting money to run such a place has been a daunting task.  People in this community, to quote my father, have fish-hooks in their pockets.  Getting them to donate ANYTHING is nigh to impossible.  We had a campaign where we asked every stakeholder for ten dollars.   TEN DOLLARS.  That's like a latte and a muffin and a tip at Starbucks.  Did we get it?   No.  The Center is always on the verge of closing  and somehow we carried on.  I hope it will continue but I cannot be the driving force anymore.  We hired a company to help us and THEY told me to close the doors.  I said we had to try and so we did.  We limped along a year past when they said we would close.  We kept trying.  But it really took its toll on my health. I went from being on no asthma meds to a twice a day maintenance  inhaler and almost a constant need for the rescue inhaler.  Stress. My primary care physician and two specialists encouraged me to lessen the stress in my life.  There are several things that are overwhelming right now. So, last night, after much soul searching, I resigned from the board of McGroarty Arts Center.  I thought I would be sad, but I am not, which makes me realize that this is what I needed to do.  In discussing my decision with a friend, he said something to the effect that I will not get credit for what I have done.  I told him that  I will know what I have done.  I do not volunteer to get a pat on the back or awards or acclaim.  I would prefer to work in anonymity, to tell you the truth, and to get the work done.  The Protestant work ethic- that hard work is it's own reward- is strong within me.  I know the reason I kept at it,; a deep belief that this community NEEDS an arts center for our children and for seniors to have a place to go to "find their art". That is the reason I fought so hard.  I am confident that the new and returning Board members will fight just as hard to save it, although it is in deep trouble.  The people are smart and committed and will do what must be done.  I hope this Community can be made to realize what a treasure McGroarty Arts Center is and will rise together to save it.

1 comment:

  1. I know this has been a HUGE part of your life, and I mean that in both good and - alas - bad ways. Good in that you worked your heart out for them, and God bless you for that, but bad int at your health and mental health both suffered. Sometimes, hard as it may be, you have to walk away. Sorry, the Kenny Rogers song is just running around in my head now! Which doesn't make it any the less true. I think you will find you sleep better, lose a little weight without trying, and just be more relaxed in general. NOW - if I can just get you to RETIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Certainly not my business, but when did that ever stop me!)


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