Monday, March 28, 2016

Post Easter thoughts

Well, the eggs were dyed and the chocolate was eaten, not by me as I am trying to get to a "fighting weight" these days.  Although it didn't cause it, the weight is not helping the osteo .  I was actually crying when I walked up the hill on Friday.   I am such a wimp.

For Christians, Easter is "the Big one"  a lot of people think it's Christmas that is the big holiday, but not really. Easter, the Crucifixion and resurrection of Christ IS the basis for our faith.   Sure Christmas is a lot more fun, but Easter is a time of reflection and renewal.  Faith for me is personal and I would NEVER insist anyone believe as I do.  I have come to my own peace with God.  I call him by name and I don't type G-d. I don't "fear" God.  I think the term got lost in the translation and it's really "respect" that they mean.

I got into a "discussion" with the friend of a friend over a meme both my friend and I posted, something to the effect that  if your religion requires you to hate someone it's time for a new religion.  This person went all over it about how she was shamed and people told her she would go to hell and how intolerant Christians were to pagans.  I get it and I agree, but this woman wanted to take it further. I said something about answering hate with hate not being the answer.  She went off, a bit, telling me that the problem was religion and that all "blind faith" was wrong.  I agreed to disagree and thanked her for the opportunity to discuss things, but it has gotten me to thinking.  Not everyone who follows a belief does so blindly.   She  also seemed very upset about people telling her she was going to Hell.  If you don't believe in Hell, why are you worried about going there?  I don't really believe in Hell, even if the threat of an eternity burning is what some religions use to keep people on their "path"  Extremists of every faith take it too far, in my book.   There is no one way to believe, and as long as you are helping your fellow travelers on this planet, it's all good. I suppose I will find out some day if I am wrong.  Right now I'm not too concerned with it.  On Saturday, I was approached by a minister in the Vons parking lot.  He was handing out flyers for his services. I told him, quite honestly, that I don't go to church.  He asked me "if you were called home right now, would you be ready"  Strange question.  I answered "yes"  I think I'm ok with that.  He didn't really have an answer for me and thanked me and moved on.  It was a weird encounter.

I spent Easter surrounded by friends , my "other family" eating and laughing and talking.  Every holiday around here is about food anyway and I made a mountain of it.  Feeding people is what I love to do and I was happy to see everyone enjoying the food and the company.  I am truly blessed and it doesn't take a holiday for me to realize that.

1 comment:

  1. This Easter was a quiet one for me - it came so early this year, it caught me unawares - I mean, I had not even gotten all the Saint Patrick's decor put away! It is a time of reflection and spiritual renewal for me, and I did get to church three times (for Looonnnnnnggg services!) but I liked them all and think I took away a lot. A disappointment was giving up all that stuff for Lent (I still do that!) and only losing a half a pound! OK, I backslid! The good blue suit did NOT fit and so did NOT make an appearance, but I improvised and was "pretty in pink!" It was perhaps more like the Derby, but I figure God made us, He must have a good sense of the ridiculous! And then I cooked, which was also low-key, and not a big crowd this year, but I did drag out allt he bunny decor at the last minute, got out the Easter dinner ware (yes, I do have Easter-specific china and glass!) and the lamb and asparagus was fine, and the champagne was chilled, and (the best for last?) I DID find Easter cocktail napkins in the bin, against my fears of having run out - see, THAT would be hell!
    A minor disappointment - women tend not to wear hats anymore - there were only two in church - but I watched Her Majesty at Windsor yesterday, and she never disappoints - bright, bright jonquil! God bless her! As Paul McCartney sang, "Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl...."


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