Monday, March 14, 2016

Kim K, the Donald and other media drains

I was reading an article that told me that as a feminist I should celebrate Kimmy K's obsessive need to post pictures of herself in semi-naked or completely naked poses, that criticizing her is part of the "rape culture" and we should celebrate that she owns her body.  Well isn't she selling her body?  Theoretically Kim is some kind of businesswoman.  What business?  I know she and her sisters used to run a clothing store in Agoura Hills, but I doubt THAT is a going concern.  Kim is in the business of selling the Be like Kim brand.  Sure if I had nothing to do all day but work with a personal trainer and get my hair and makeup done, I too could be a media sensation and post MY selfies all day on Twitter and Instagram.  But I'm not and most women are not,  The thing that bugs me, I suppose, is how she is held up to worship when she doesn't DO anything.  She's not involved in any charity that I can see and she doesn't speak out for anyone but herself. She's famous for being famous.  I't not something I want my daughter to aspire to.

The Donald.  Can he get any worse?  I suppose he can.  It's frightening to watch people come out and support his racist and irrational statements as if they were something worthy of belief.  Build a wall?  His supporters chant that.  Whatever happened to "Give me your tired and your poor"?  The media follows him around to see just what outrageous thing he will say.  He incited violence.  He told them he would pay for their legal fees, then conveniently backpedaled.  THIS is the man you think can lead this country?   He's a bully and a braggart, full of bluster and not much substance.  He's a con artist who is selling snake oil that is being sucked down by the masses.  I am having a hard time believing that people actually support him, but he seems to be winning in the polls.  The presidential race has become a popularity contest.  Are we so STUPID as to elect Biff from Back to the Future to the presidency?  I am beginning to believe that the Founding Fathers must have envisioned such a circus when they created the Electoral College.  They didn't trust the masses to be smart enough and now with the dumbing down of this country , they may have the right of it.  Scary times.

There has been so much non-news in the media these days, I wonder what we are not seeing.  Global warming, the world economy, the crisis in Syria and the Middle East.? No we are so busy obsessing about Kim Kardashian's boobs, we aren't paying attention to the real world and our place in it.

1 comment:

  1. I did comment away yesterday, but perhaps I was not respectful...............
    Let me just throw in (again!) that one can only hope that Kim's now infamous nude selfie (and really, we've all seen way more of her thanks to her video with Ray Jay - when, thank the Lord, I hardly knew who she was!) ANYWAY, I digress - let us hope that this new selfie shows a scraping the bottom, a desperation, meaning that she knows there is nothing left (except to perhaps spread 'em) (no, we've seen that, too!) and this means she is soon to be gone as there is nothing left? At least Kanye has not yet shown us nude selfies.
    The Donald. Well, again, we are grateful for no nude selfies. But, Robyn is right, I suppose he CAN get worse. This is the worst campaign I can rememeber since I can remember. Kennedy/Nixon was the first I can remember, and recall getting beat up or at least bullied for my Catholic school uniform on the way home. This has just disintegrated into a melee of violence, bombast, and certainly no substance. Even Rubio is beginning to look OK. I do read that many Americans are distraught that the emigration process for Canada is lengthy and involved. Perhaps they will build a wall to keep us out?


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