Thursday, February 4, 2016

Driving with your eyes closed

I have a recurring dream that I am driving but my eyes are stuck closed.  I try to open them, fight to get them open, but they will not budge.  I know if I don't open them, I am going to crash and at some point exhaustion and resignation flood over me.  Sometimes I get my eyes open but sometimes I wake up before I can get them open.  Most of the time, I try to get the car to the side of the road,  all the while struggling to get my eyes open.

I looked it up and of course, the popular "meaning" of the dream is that I am going somewhere but am afraid to see where it is.   The thing is I am fighting like mad in my dream to open my eyes and they are stuck.  It's not like I am blissfully gliding along ( in my dream I am on the freeway)  I know I am going to die if I can't get my eyes open.  Well, THAT is a telling statement isn't it?  The dream itself makes me wonder just what I am struggling to see and  that I must see whatever it is or it may kill me.  Hmmm

It's not my favorite dream.

That dream would be the one where I win the lottery, which apparently hasn't happened yet either.  I enjoy dreams where I can change what is happening, sort of a "choose your own adventure" dream.    When you know you are in a dream state and can change the monster to a fluffy puppy or something like that.  I do that a lot.  I love dreams that are like feature films,  I am in the dream but I am not me at all and it's like acting in a movie.  I know it's not me but I am enjoying playing a part.  I really wish I could remember those dreams better as I think they have the basis of a short story or something.  I wake up happy from those dreams, wishing I could go back to sleep and go back into that world again.

Now the lyrics from the Don Henley song are playing in my head "You're driving with your eyes closed.  You're gonna hit something, that's the way it goes"  I struggle to keep my eyes, both really and figuratively, open today.

1 comment:

  1. I worry because often, but a lot lately, I have dreams that are just horrendous. The last two (on the same night) were a man being tasered to death in front of me in my back yard, and then a re-enactment of parts of "Carrie," but the mother found her in a motel in bed with a guy and Carrie just suddenly lost all her looks and appeal and trudged off to be beaten by her mother.
    WHY, I ask myself, why why why?
    I'm a nice guy, I don't condone violence or abuse. Sometimes I tell Pauline this and she says, "WHAT are you eating before bedtime!" and I suspect she may have something there.
    I had a friend who's therapist said we are always every one in our dreams - Oh, Lord, I hope not.
    Dream books were always popular at the libraries in which I worked ("los suenos?") and I looked in one once - dreaming of an artichoke meant a torch or a light guiding the way.......right.
    I like the ones where I can fly or turn invisible.
    And sometimes I meet someone and am in love................but who - eh, that never pans out.
    Damn, I have never dreamt a Don Henley song though - perhaps "The Boys of Summer?"


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