Wednesday, April 27, 2016

OA and temporary handicaps

I suffer from severe osteoarthritis.  The pain is no joke,  The employee parking structure is uphill, BOTH WAYS ( I know it sounds like a joke, but you go down a hill and then up another to get to and from my office)  The result is that I am crying by the time I get up to Olive and 4th at the end of the day.  My co-worker who parks under the building graciously takes a few of us up the hill , but she works a 9/80 shift and isn't always there.  So, I finally admitted I needed some help and got a temporary parking permit and am able to park under my building while I work on the PT to strengthen my week backside muscles.I am going to push myself until I am healthy.  I read that, believe it or not, roller skating is a good exercise for people with OA.  I LOVED roller skating and wonder if I can do it.  Who's game to join me?  I'm serious.  Let me know if you want to go with me to try it out.  Someone else recommended a yoga class that is just stretching.  My fear with Yoga is that I am SO uncoordinated that I will fall on my face and break something.  Zumba is OUT!   I had to coordination of a three legged elephant BEFORE my knees got bad. I need some low impact workouts.   I am doing the PT stuff here at home and working on my elliptical, pedaling backwards and trying to stand on it with the lowest tension setting. I'm doing better.  I lost 25 pounds since last August.  I would like to be able to go to the beach without those pesky Greenpeace people trying to roll me back into the surf.    Exercise is good for my body and my spirit and I am going to try to lighten both!

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is very low impact and you work up to the coordination. It's more about getting the breathing right than the pose. I will talk to you more about on Saturday evening I see you. Swimming would also be very low impact, see if you can't get a rx from your doctor. The Pasadena Aquatic Center has a good program if your Dr. Gives you the rx.


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