Sunday, April 24, 2016

Prince- Final thoughts

If my post about Prince insulted you in any way, I am sorry.  It was never my intention to be hurtful in my opinion.   A few good friends have pointed out that I am wrong in my assessment of Prince's character and as one of them is a true fan and a musicologist extraordinaire, I bow to better knowledge than my own.  I  want to thank those who took the time to discuss Prince and his music with me.  I will be listening to the cd that one of my friends encouraged me to start with.  I am always open to an education and a few of my friends "took me to school"

I do stand by my assertion that when a famous person dies, the media and social media both demonize and canonize them.  It's human nature.  True fans will mourn, as is their absolute right.  If you are mourning the loss of this amazing artist, my sincere condolences.  I think if the world is lucky they will be seeing and hearing much from him for years to come, as there is a longstanding rumor that he left a vault of work. I hope that is true and that he left the task to someone who loves and admires his work and will be good to his legacy.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, what the hell was said?
    No one ever felt they had to apologize to me after they decried my fondness for disco music. And there were some pretty shnarky thigns thrown at me.
    Robyn, do not cave into pressure - it is your blog, your opinions!
    As library folks, we do not believe in censorship!


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