Thursday, April 7, 2016


Summer is coming.

The air conditioner
already hums in my bedroom window
I am not sure I am ready
to let go of winter
Rain pounding on the roof
while I am warm beneath the quilt
snuggled up  with a good book
Hot chocolate with marshmallows
while good soups and stews
steam my kitchen windows.
I'm not sure I am ready for cold meals and unrelenting heat
sunburned skin and tossing and turning in my bed
as it never can get cool enough to sleep soundly
 mosquito bites that itch and swell as I try to sleep.

Ice cream
well I am ready for ice cream

1 comment:

  1. Interesting you write this, as finally last night it was cooler, but Tuesday and Wednesday evenings I tossed a lot int he night thinking, RATS! What am I going to do when summer REALLY gets here! Well, turn on the fan or the A/C, I imagine. Sigh......................and no more sweaters to cover up the fat gut and straining waistbands!


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