Thursday, April 13, 2017

Can I say

Can I say I am sick of honey tea?  Can I say I am sick to DEATH of chicken soup?   Can I say I am tired of wheezing, and the congestion and gasping for air?  Yeah.  I have a serious case of asthma, complicated by some icky viral infection.  I am pretty sure I know where it came from.  WHY do people insist on coming to work so sick and spreading their germs wily nily?  This is no joke for me.  I can't remember WHEN I was last this sick.  My immune system is down, due to the inordinate amount of stress I have been under lately.  I THOUGHT I was doing ok.  Guess not.  I am NOT a good patient- no PATIENCE. I want this done.  NOW.

For the first time in my life I have a home nebulizer.  I am not crazy about this latest development in my health.  I am going to do whatever it takes to get better.

Easter is Sunday. I want to celebrate.  We will see where it goes.


  1. I 100% agree with you about sick people coming in to work - I had a clerk at Cahuenga who was so smug - "I even come in when I'm sick!" and I said, "Yes, and I am going to write you up - you gave (one of our best M.C.s) a rally bad cold, and you gave me walking pneumonia. Anyway, rest, feel you think Our Lord (since it is Good Friday) is telling you something about being in that office environment? I will be at church noon to three this afternoon, and promise to throw in some good words to the Big Guy in your behalf, OK? Tom

  2. Thanks. At this rate I can use all the prayers and Nyquil in the world


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