Friday, April 7, 2017

Home, sick and thoughts about oh.. anything

I thought my asthma was just out of control. It IS but apparently I have some kind of icky viral infection on top of this.  THIS is NOT good, I don't have time to be THIS sick.

I'm stuck at home, with brief trips to the grocery store for stuff I need.  I have no energy and only have ONE book left in my arsenal to read.  That means I am watching a lot of "daytime television" which is really crap.  I got sucked into the soulless hell  of "Paternity court"  Even I could see the baby looked JUST like the father. Honestly what is is about some men who father a child but the minute they get into an argument, deny the child and accuse the girl of sleeping with the entire neighborhood.   Sheesh.  It was like a train wreck.  I felt sorry for the kid.

No word yet on my surgery date, just as well as I am on heavy duty meds to get my breathing stabilized.

My daughter says I never mention her in these blogs.  I do that for a reason.  She and my son-in-love are very private people and I try to be careful in what I say so as not to intrude, BUT Danny is in the process of opening a tv sales and repair shop in Yucca and I am very proud of him.  I am not sure if he has had his grand opening yet.  it's called "the TV Store"  I love them both.  I know they love me too and will always be there for me.

Oh and Bob.  I love Bob.

Hope to be up and around tomorrow.  My favorite burrito place is closing ONE of it's two locations and I NEED to go before she closes it.  This is the larger sit-down Yucas and the only one that makes the Jajuba burrito. I keep hoping she will find a new place and QUICKLY.   She needs one with good parking and a lot of space.  The old Denny's up here is for sale, Dora ( she says hopefully)   If Dora did move operations to Tujunga I would probably weigh even MORE than I do now!!!

1 comment:

  1. Get better fast, but you do have time to rest and loll. LAPL can stumble along with you out for a few days. Perhaps they will realize how wonderful you are to them!


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