Sunday, April 16, 2017

Judas and Easter thoughts

I've been thinking a lot about Judas Iscariot, the man who "betrayed" Christ.   I have been thinking about it, because there is such a dichotomy about him.  I went to a church as a child that vilified Judas. He was the most horrible human being . Ever.  But now, as an adult, I wonder about that.  IF we believe that God sent Jesus to die for us so that he might rise again and give us everlasting life, then WHY is what Judas did a bad thing?  Someone told me that "Judas turned away from God"  but I think Judas turned TOWARD God.  He, alone, truly must have believed that this was God's plan, for him and for Jesus and hard as it must have been, his pure belief in God lead him there.  If as Christians, we believe in the Resurrection being God's plan, in any case.

But it is Easter Sunday, and I am thinking about my beliefs and my faith. This day, for Christians, is the holiest of days.  I am not a "practicing Christian" I just try to live in the way that my faith guides me.  Me.  Not You.   I am responsible for me. I have no problem with people believing other things, or not having any kind of "faith" at all.  Faith is not necessary for some people, although it gets me out of bed in the morning sometimes.  The belief that things will be better if good people put good in the world.  Maybe it is naivete, but I think a little of that is good.  Being angry and suspicious  ALL the time is not good for the soul.

I was not raised in a "religious" household.  My mother was raised Protestant, my father was Irish Catholic, until the priest kicked him out- allegedly for sassing the Nuns one too many times ( He asked her in Sunday School how a woman could have a baby and still be a virgin, she tossed him out).  My mother had a quiet faith, believed in  the Resurrection and held close to John 3:16 as her favorite verse.  She had in underlined in her small pocket bible, which I found after she died.

When I think of Easter, I try to remember this is a holiday centered around the idea of forgiveness and reconciliation.   Most religions have some sort of rebirth celebration that coincides with Spring.  As I celebrate today, I will think about forgiveness, renewal and life.

1 comment:

  1. Happened just now to be flipping channels and say a bit of "King of Kings. Happened to be the scene where Judas kisses Jesus and betrays Him.
    So, Robyn, now I am thinking on your must be right. SOMEONE had to be the one. That is why Judas was chosen. AND, duh, where was I? Hence the phrase, eh? "The Judas Kiss."
    So I did some research. There seems to be much more evidence about his betrayal and subsequent pay off and suicide. Although there are mentions in the Gospels of his work with the apostles. BUT - he's much more famous for that one act - however, like Robyn - some scholars praise him for being the individual who triggered the events that led to the Crucifixion, and hence, the Resurrection.
    Thanks for the provocative piece.
    NOW - go do a piece on Dismas, the Good Thief.


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