Monday, June 19, 2017

NO CANCER, so back to work

I realize I haven't written anything and I should have.

I had a lumpectomy last Monday.  In MARCH at my annual mammo, they found "something"  the configuration was not cancerous but suspicious so they had to come out.  Then I got pneumonia and was down for much longer than I thought I should have been.  Apparently I misunderstood my doctor and returned before I should have.  He placed me off work for three weeks- one week before the surgery and two weeks after- presumably for post surgical recovery- but I am feeling better, somewhat antsy here at home, so I am going BACK to work today.

The surgery was weird.  The actual incision doesn't hurt.  The worst part was getting the guide-wire inserted, which they do under a local.  Again they did not give me ENOUGH of the local and I gritted my teeth.  It HURT!  It STILL hurts in that spot.  They gave me a "cocktail" before I went into the OR and I remember them putting the legwarmers on me then.. nothing.  I don't remember them putting me under. I was actually dreaming when I came out of the anesthesia, or at least it felt like dreaming . Like I said, weird.

Chris and Ruth kept me company, then Ruth kept Chris company while they waited.  I think the surgery was about an hour.  I came home the same day and SLEPT.

ON Thursday I got the good news from my surgeon, who told me the results had JUST come in and she wanted me to know right away.  NO CANCER, probably the most beautiful combination of words in the English language.  To say I am relieved is an understatement.  I can breathe again.  I think I have been holding my breath since March.

I will begin a round of going to have a follow up mammo every six months for the next year and 1/2, If I recall correctly.  Small price to pay to make sure there was nothing lurking with the "Somethings"  I have what looks to be a small scar, a badge of honor in the fight against cancer.  Thankfully, there was no cancer there, but who know what would have happened if I had NOT had the mammo.

Get the boobies checked.  It's important.

I go back to work today.  It's been a while. I hope my brain is up to the task!

1 comment:

  1. Your news is the best thing on a Monday morning! The best!
    And I hope it inspires others to get their regularly scheduled exams.


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