Monday, June 12, 2017


"Scars are souvenirs you never lose"  As I prepare myself for surgery today to remove the three "Somethings that will be nothing" I am thinking about all the scars I have on my body. The surgeon and I joked about making the one she is going to put on my right breast match the one on my left breast.  I doubt she can but it was and is a good joke.

I have a lot of scars, mostly from surgeries.  There are a few from  misadventures, like the one on my left hand where I slammed my hand in the car door when I was about twelve. I have a scar from the c-section and a lot of little scars from having my gallbladder taken out.  The scar on my left breast, though was one I hid.

In 2006, I went for my first mammogram and the found "something"  I went through the whole series,  more mammos, the biopsy and the surgery.  I had a large somewhat puckering scar at the bottom of my breast.  I was embarrassed by it and hid it when I had cause to be undressed in front of other people.  At some point, I realized that this scar was NOT a scar but a badge.  The "somethings" did not get a chance to be cancer, because of that scar.  The same will go for this scar.  I once met a woman at a pool party who had a wicked deep scar on here left shoulder.  She told people that she had been attacked by a shark. Our eyes must have gotten wide, she laughed and said "cancer"  Scars like that mean we have fought the battle and won.

I am sure that my "somethings" are still nothing and I will come home today and rest.  As I recall, it wasn't a big deal, not any pain really. I am a bit nervous, but not afraid.  I have a wonderful surgeon and Chris will be there for as long as he can.

 I've got this.

1 comment:

  1. The first time i had to cane a cancerous growth removed, the doctor said I could choose a little hole or a long scar. I chose the scar, and told people I had been in a duel. It faded away evetually, and now there is the other one under what would be my right breast (?) where I had some pre-cancerous lymph nodules is still there a few years later, BUT SO AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am praying for you, Robyn!


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