Monday, June 5, 2017


I have been doing a lot of kvetching in my blog lately.  I blame the prednisone.  It makes me feel irritable and agitated.   I HATE this but am almost done with it. so YA me.  I am off trying to get rest. I am reading a really good book "A House among the Trees" by Julia Glass.  I like her style and will look into her other books when I am done with this one. Part of my plan is to sit in the morning sun, reading and baking some of the "crud" out of me.   It's something my Dad used to say to do and I certainly felt better after sitting and walking in the sunshine at John and Heather's wedding on Saturday.  They got married at the Relay for Life.  I managed to raise the $100 I wanted to and I DID walk, although I took breaks in between laps.  The "laps" were about 1/10th of a mile, so don't be TOO impressed, but I do have severe osteoarthritis and have been fighting off this illness. 

 I was proud of me and I did what I set out to do.  It was important to me The first lap, honored my father, who died of bone cancer. I got emotional on the first turn. The second honored my mother, a breast cancer survivor. The third was for my Aunt Ruthie and my grandmother, who both died from uterine cancer, the fourth honored friends and family still fighting cancer. The last lap? For me and the determination that the lumpectomy I am facing will be NOTHING! It was harder than I thought. I took a celebratory lap with other wedding guests, behind the bride and groom, to join in their joy.  Chris walked FOUR laps with me. He was only going to do one or two.  He paid for it yesterday as he is not doing so hot either.  

As I watched my friends join in marriage, I reflected on how long I have known the bride, we are both a part of the Heart and Soul community.  When I met her she was still grieving and trying to find her way after the loss of her husband.  She has returned  ( I wanted to say grown, but I think she was this way before grief knocked her flat) to be this joyful artist with a fierce determination in all things.  John makes her laugh. I think we need that in our lives.  Balance and joy.  Marry someone you can talk to, who makes you laugh , who makes you feel  better.  I know I did.  I wish them BOTH a long life with lots of giggles and warm sweet abiding love.


  1. I am glad to read this posting - upbeat and the Robyn I know. Don't let this other crap get you down (more than one can help!) and keep your true spirit! You remind me of Sparky, my wonder cat, in that his first thing int he morning is to go onto one of the porches or patios and loll in the sun - a clerk at Hollywood Branch said he was recharging his batteries - I like to think you are recharging, too!

  2. I am glad to read this post, have been concerned about some of the kvetching. The sun will help for sure, rest is always a good thing and once you find out what the "somethings" are once and for all, you'll either have peace of mind or a plan of attack. Hang in there!!!!

  3. Predisone. Turns me into a raging beyotch.


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