Friday, June 2, 2017


At the beginning of the year, I looked over my health issues.  Sure,I have asthma and pulmonary hypertension, but those were well controlled and I was losing weight and exercising and looking forward to a possible knee replacement mid year.

Then, in March, I went in for my annual mammo, and they found three "Somethings" that needed to come out of my right breast .Not cancer yet, but suspicious  and they need to come out. Ok  I've done this before.  In 2006, I had three ( why is is always three?) somethings removed from my left breast.  I joked with the surgeon about getting the scars to line up.  I was ok with it.

Then all hell broke loose.

If you follow my rather random blog, you know that I got really sick at the beginning of April.  They treated it as an asthma flare, but it was really pneumonia.  I was off work for almost six weeks.   I went back to work on May 15, but I am still sick.

I saw my pulmonologist about a week before original scheduled date of my surgery, May 19 He told me I was "not strong enough to survive the surgery" and spoke with the surgeon to postpone it.  Fine.

Yesterday I went back to see him for clearance.  He was appalled that I was working and essentially told me I need to stay home and REST or I cannot have the surgery.  I NEED the surgery, so once again I am off work.  I have pretty much burned through all my sick-time, but Chris and I have a plan.  Things are going to change up for a bit here at Casa Myers.  I AM going to rest as much as possible - don't tell my doctor I am still planning on going to John and Heather's wedding tomorrow, but this will be good for my heart, which is in sore need of something to lift me up.  I am having a small gathering at the house on Sunday to celebrate Chris' 50th birthday. Nothing elaborate and I plan to rest.

I am, as the saying goes, sick of being sick and tired of being tired.  I am also, and I am loathe to admit it, a bit afraid that I will not get well.  I am heading in to work today to pick up some things in inadvertently left on my desk and to take care of one or two paperwork issues that once they are done will NOT weigh on my brain for the entire time I am off.  I have some books, I may try to pick up one or two before I leave Central today.  I am up for visitors, I am not contagious, just have to lay low and take all the shiny new meds.  I need to find my strength and my courage.  It is easy to be disheartened,but I have family, friends and faith.

Keep me in your prayers. I',m a little low at the moment, but I am going to bounce back and be ME again, I promise!  I really appreciate all the love I have been shown. I know that I am truly, truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Put in for FMLA and disability if you haven't already. Worrying about money won't get you any rest. Sad I am not closer to help out with some things or just to come visit. Take care of yourself and feel better!!!


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