Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hello Joe, waddaya know?


Posted elsewhere but sharing here as well.

I am awake. I am making coffee and looking at the news feeds, as sanity returns. No more tweets about "crowd sized" and midnight musings from the golden toilet, although THAT stopped right after the failed Coup attempt. I had to laugh when I saw that Trump is trying to lay the groundwork for taking credit for any good Joe does. typical of someone who claimed that if he won the election was "perfect" and if he lost. it was fraud. I HAVE to ask, since the conspiracy of the "stolen election" will not die, as it should WHY couldn't any of the 70 Million Republicans in the country FIND any evidence? The Texas LT Governor stood ready with his million dollars to pay for such evidence and yet, the ONLY thing that came to light was a Trump voter or two trying to cast dead relatives' ballots.

But I digress. today is a celebration, and while I cannot have the glass of champagne I had hoped to have this morning- I will be working and watching this historic event unfold- I will be celebrating; a woman VP, a logical man in the White House, a cabinet made up NOT of political backers and people he owed favors to, but real people who KNOW something about the agency they will lead. I look forward to the reversal of many of trump's environmental and human rights policies being reversed in the first 100 days.
We have a long way to go. I guess the best thing about trump is that he revealed just how much racism is there and what it is capable of. I am not naïve enough to think it was gone, but trump and his ilk showed it's human face, made them comfortable enough to be parading down Main Street and giving interviews on the local news.
I read NPR refused to cover his "remarks" as he left the white house to a puny crowd, as they did not have time to fact-check them.
The Liar- in Chief is gone. May we never see his angry orange face again.

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