Friday, January 1, 2021

Rabbit, Rabbit or New Beginnings

 There is a superstition that you say "Rabbit, Rabbit" upon opening your eyes on the first day of the month.   I have no idea why, and I can barely remember my name when I wake up in the morning, so remembering the DATE and uttering the lucky phrase very rarely happens .

Still, New Year's Day fills me with hope.  This year is different, so far ( I was gonna say "weird" but I am trying a new attitude)  No Rose Parade , no 8 am flyover of the stealth- we live in the flight path and the thrill of the flyover is a real treat  for New Year's Day.  This year we MIGHT have been able to take a day to see the floats- something I did ONCE a long time ago, but by the time we all got there we had about 1/2 hour to see them before they kicked us all out.  They were interesting and one day I would love to be able to go and look at them.  I do understand it is a very popular event and the crush of people might prohibit it, but I remain hopeful for "someday"  I went so far as to do some volunteer work on the Burbank float a few years ago, prep work. They were such Nazi's and rude as the day is long. THEY had a snack table and water and such but NOTHING was provided to the volunteers and the teenage girl who took a sip of water to get the dust from the herb we were mincing out of her throat was THREATEND with No volunteer time being given to her.  It was not a fun experience.  I am not afraid of hard work, but there should be an element of fun or appreciation in the labor.  I did my commitment and NEVER went back.  I understand that they are on a tight deadline, but you can do it without making people hate you,

Every year, I try to imagine where I might be, a year from now.  2020 was a year of terrible disappointment and awful "surprises"  I have heard- and said- "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans"  But I can't help but plan.  I am not exactly a "go with the flow" kind of person.  My husband is and maybe I could learn to be, but I am 62 years old and have ALWAYS been this way, so change would be nigh on impossible without some kind of serious work on my part, reprogramming me.  I let go of the reins from time to time, still it is hard.

So, no New Year's Resolutions I won't keep anyway.   I am going to try to be the best me I can be, to help where I can, to love my friends and be more "present" in their lives if they wish even while we are forced to be distant.  I will remain hopeful and remain active in my community even if it's just to share information and contribute funds where I can to help those in need.  I will honor my commitments.

So "Rabbit, Rabbit" and Happy New Year.  To quote Sherman T. Potter in MASH,  "Here's to the New Year.  May it be a damn sight better than the old one"

1 comment:

  1. Well, not counting all the fireworks and barking dogs at midnight, when, to my surprise, I was still awake, I got up at 5 - to pee - then again at 9 - to pee, turn off the back porch light and feed the cats, and then AGAIN at 11:30, when even I thought Smudge and I should get out of bed. I cannot even use the wretched excesses of last evening as an excuse, because, alas, there weren't any. God help me, or forgive me, I watched New Year's Rockin' eve with Ryan Seacrest, ONLY so I could see the all-too-short bit with the Bidens. I am old, I didn't know most of the "musical acts." But, sure, hell, "Rabbit, rabbit." Probably too late to help. each January 1, I do experience a kind of renewal and hope - this past year - I read a cartoon that said she was not adding this year to her age, as she didn't use it. Pretty much how I feel. Tom


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