Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I posted part of this rant online

 am so angry I can't see straight. I started what I THOUGHT was a fun bet with a Republican regarding the outcome of the election. He essentially lost the bet, although he clings to the Q-Anon fantasy of Joe Biden being arrested for treason on Tuesday and his God, Trump Riding to his inauguration on a white horse. Ok fine. as my mother used to say "dreams are cheap" HOWEVER this Republican went so far as to post an article that calls for the public execution of Barrack Obama and Joe Biden on a chat folder about a band we are both fans of. I wrote the Admin, complaining and I hope something will be done about it. it is ONE thing to have a difference of opinion and joke about it. it is QUITE another to call for the public murder of two people who have not been accused of a crime ( unlike HIS candidate, but I digress)

I dislike the Orange Menace to my soul, but I do not call for his death. BTW this guys throws his "faith" in my face all the time, Throwing the term "true Believer" around at the rest of us heathens

This guy I bet with says thing like God is waiting to show his wrath on Inauguration Day , and had a really crackpot theory that trump and the Supreme Court passed a "secret law" about voter fraud. It would be funny if it were not for the fact that there are people out there who truly believe this stuff.

Look, I thought the 2016 Election was rigged in trump's favor and the Republican Caucaus and the Mueller Report bears that out- and YEAH I never called trump 'president" petty of me I know but it made me feel better. I never:

1- advocated the overthrow of the government
2- called for his public execution ( Or sure I wanted him arrested and I think he slunk out of DC so as not to leave the White House in cuffs at 12:02 today)

Honestly, this same guy I made the bet with did all of that and more. He was personally wetting himself over the thought that Biden would be charged with treason and trump could be installed as president. Nope, here's how it would play out. IF there were an issue installing a president today the Speaker of the HOUSE becomes President. That would be.... NANCY PELOSI. Oh Conservative heads would explode. Same guy said that last week the Supreme Court would rule in favor of trump 5-4 and he would be returned to the presidency. This guy keeps deleting his posts as the date for the Big Reveal promised by his ministers passed with no payoff. he bet a lot of people a lot of money. I think he will be hard to find in the coming days.

I celebrate a return to sanity. Church bells rang all over Europe when the election was announced. We need to get control and move our country forward. Joe and Kamala - and ALL of us- have a job to do

1 comment:

  1. And how I feel is, thank GOD for a return to decency, normalcy, genuine compassion and empathy. Not having to cringe whenever the President makes a statement. I watched the inauguration and two major points (so many more, but in the interests of space)
    When he took the oath of office, his wife actually seemed interested. Jill was moved to tears, and they grabbed ad kissed and hugged like they LIKE each other, and his kids, too. I was already in tears, but....
    AND in his speech, it was actually about US. And not full of that jingoistic xenophobia of the past "administration."
    May I just add a last, petty note here? It pleased me to no end that trump was pissed that Biden could get Lady Gaga to perform, and he got some group called "Three Doors Down." WHO? WHEN? Ha ha ha ha!
    (Sorry, I said it was petty)
    OK, now, as Robyn says, we all have work to do, so on to the business at hand!


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