Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Super Bowl, Bruce Springsteen and other random thoughts

 I didn't watch the Superbowl on Sunday.  I STARTED to, but two things irked me. The announcers.  ( Got ya)   

Between slavering over the Return Of Tom Brady and talking incessantly about  nothing, I made it through the first HALF of the first Quarter.  I couldn't take it.  These guys who played football can't TALK about football.  I long for sportscasters who know when to talk and WHEN TO SHUT UP.  the constant buzz of their voices made me turn it off ( Yeah, I tired watching it muted, but I would have liked SOME idea about what was happening, who made that awesome run, who made that amazing stop.

I understand football. I went to San Fernando High School where Football was like a religion.  My ex will tell you he played "semi Pro" ball, which was really more like Pop Warner for adults.  If you signed up and paid the fee you played.  It was fun while it lasted and I used to hold a "clinic" at practice for  the wives and girlfriends, because it can be super boring to go to a game and not know the basics.

As usual, I digress,

As a result of not watching the game, I did not see the commercials.  I had read somewhere that Budweiser has declined to do their traditional Short film with the Clydesdales and donated the money they would have spent to Covid relief.    I missed them and will look to see the recap that is usually on the internet.

I missed the Bruce ad  which was supposed to be a call for unity.  Turns out it was kind of divisive.  While a call to unite "in the middle" sounds good, there are too many people for whom that means status quo and no progress toward justice, which is the core of unity.  It smacked of "let's move on"  We need to hold accountable those who tried to OVERTHROW the government when Without proof, listened to the petulant whining of a spoiled rich child who had his toys taken away and recruited other people to do his dirty work.  then left them hanging while he hid, first in the White House and now at his mansion/hotel.  We need justice, which we may not get.  Evidence needs to be heard and considered totally, but the Republican Party is so afraid of him and his followers they won't do their job.  Those who DO their job are censured.

I was watching television and saw an ad for an upcoming Black History month program. In it they quotes part of a Langston Hughes poem "Let America be America again"  I like Hughes.  Like most poetry I enjoy, he writes deceptively simply words with complex layers of meaning  Go here


I posted it on a friend's page and got flack that Hughes did not mention the struggles of women in his poem and while I understand it, he does not specifically call out women in the poem, but I felt included in those he mentioned.

As we move today toward the trial -probably one of many criminal prosecutions- of Donald John Trump, I wonder when we can have "the land that has never been yet, and yet must be"

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