Monday, February 15, 2021

Trials and what the future may hold

 Well the "trial" of Donald John Trump in the Senate turned out much as predicted.  All the Republicans are breathing a sigh of relief, having pandered to their base and sold their soul.  But here's the thing, it ain't over for him.

He sais "this is just the beginning" but I think that does not mean what he thinks it means.  He is now a "private citizen" whose crimes are being investigated by several jurisdictions.  I am sure people who are going to court for the seditious acts they committed are going to drag him into the mix, possibly sue him and tie him up in legal challenges for years to come.  I hope his "attorneys" are ready.  He had a history of stiffing them, so I hope they got the cash in their bank account AND the check has cleared before they do anything.  Maybe not.  I think it would be amusing to see his OWN LAWYERS take him to court for  non payment.

The outcome was ridiculous.  Apparently, the Republicans threatened to hold up ALL legislation until the trial was over.  Think about that for a moment.  EVERYTHING would be held up for MONTHS unless they let Donnie Boy skate,  THEN after the Circus was over and the clowns were getting ready to celebrate, Mitch McConnell stood up at the podium and declared  the Trump had actually DONE what he was accused of.  The gall of that man is endless. He didn't think the trial was legal?  The SENATE approved it, and yet Mitch did what he always does; kowtow to his master.  He talks out of both sides of his mouth.  

There is talk of doing something else in the House, but I wonder.  Someone said they should have stopped when witnesses were no allowed and sent the whole thing over to the DOJ, But Merrick Garland isn't AG yet so that might have been a non-starter.

I donated money to John Fetterman, who has announced he will run for Senate.  I like him in many ways, he flies in the face of conservative Pennsylvania politics.  It was a reaction to the fact that I share  an ancestor ( my seven times great grandfather) with one of Trump's lawyers, Bruce Castor.  We both descend from Frederick Castor, whose daughter Margaret married Jacob Myers on my paternal line.  Bruce proved that not EVERYONE in my family tree is smart, I'm afraid.   Now I am reading that Fetterman held a black jogger at gunpoint at some point several years ago.  It was a horrible mistake, but he is unapologetic about it and even if you think you are doing the right thing at the time, shouldn't you say something to that effect?  I wonder if the incident was a  "one- off" reaction to things that were going on at the time or some pattern of bad behavior.  I really would like to see him say something even if it's "Hey I thought I was doing the right thing, but now I know better and have learned from it"  If racism can be learned, it can be unlearned.  I hope he addresses it.  It is bound to be a BIG sticking point in his political future.

Which brings me back to the future of the Republican Party and 45.  As of this writing, he can still run for office again.  I am hopeful that one of the following happen:

  • He is convicted of a felony in the District of New York or Georgia
  • His unhealthy habits make him too ill to be a viable contender ( let's face it he will be 78 in 2024 and he's not that healthy to begin with)
  • the Republican Party splits in such a way that his MAGA Party cannot get enough voters to follow it( I Firmly believe that once all the lies are exposed in Civil Court he will be vilified)
A felon cannot vote nor hold public office and even IF he gets his record expunged, he is still a tax cheat and a seditious inciter in the court of Public Opinion.   Remember, acquittal does not mean innocent, especially in the not-court of the halls of Congress.

For now, I am hopeful for our new President, although the MAGA crowd is said to be mounting another attack on March 4.  One thing is for certain, the Proud Boys won't be there.  The attorney for the leader is calling out Trump as a phony, blaming him for inciting and abandoning his followers.  This trial, and the guy in the deerskin bikini's trial should be interesting.  Court TV, anyone?

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