Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tiny things to write about AND some political thoughts

I know, I know, since the Evil Orange is no longer the President ( no matter WHAT  QAnon and other rabid dogs might think) I am trying to move away from political commentary as much.  I WILL say that IT'S ABOUT TIME that his taxes were released to the District Court of New York.  He is crying and whining that he is being "Persecuted"  well, if there is nothing WRONG with your taxes, what are you worried about?  I would hazard a guess that his taxes will show that he is NOT the mega-millionaire he claims to be, and if that his true, he lied to his followers( Surprise!)  and if it is a LIE, if he cheated the government on his taxes, well he should serve time, just like Wesley Snipes  who did time, or have to sell off his possessions, like Willie Nelson did.  I have a feeling he does not really OWN all that property he claims he owns, as he was selling his name as a brand to people who thought it gave the place a certain cachet.  They are ditching that now in a lot of locations, from what I understand.  This will be and interesting development, and it is the reason he fought so hard to stay in power, to avoid prosecution for his crimes ( and let's face it tax evasion is a crime and ANYONE who does it  is a lowlife snake)

His kids are- to use a 70's expression - Freaking and Peaking ( I am not sure but there are signs of drug use in Jr- he really needs an intervention.)  They are going down with the trump ship and they really don't have the life skills to start over.  But we will see

Here is my Tine Thing for the day: ( the tiny things to write about book, which I am randomly picking something from)

Write about moving to a place you have never been to:

I am moving to South Carolina.  The place has beaches and small towns and I have longed for it since I heard James Taylor sing about it ( on second thought was he talking about NORTH  Carolina?  dunno)  I think I would like the pace, the food- although I may need to import totillas or masa- again dunno)  Besides, my friend Candace lives there.  HMMMM     I wonder if the state can HANDLE two of us.

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