I was thinking this morning, as I approach my 63 birthday and am heading toward retirement that I am more Dylan Thomas than Desiderata ( Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Bullshit)
Thomas urged his father to "not go gentle into that good night". I am more like that. I think Gloria Steinem said that as we age, we get more radical and one day the world will be taken over by grey haired ladies. I kind of like that idea.
Last night, I was in a meeting of an organization I have belonged to and worked HARD for for a long time. I tried to comment on something the millennial were whining about and got talked down to by the moderator. It made me re-evaluate my participation in this organization. Frankly I have become less enchanted with their approach to their mission and I think the current crop of leadership thinks they know everything. What's that expression- those who don't' LEARN from history are condemned to repeat it? About 20 years ago, another organization tried to take over this one and were barely defeated. The hostile takeover attempt lead to radical change in the way the membership was treated and engaged ( The former Director's attitude to membership was "When I want your opinion I will tell you what it is") This group looks for direction everywhere but within. I think it's a mistake, and am tired to death of shoveling sand against the tide. I will be stepping away, much earlier than planned from this part of the group. It will probably result in them removing me from the rest of my commitments, but at this point it would probably be a relief.
I get my second "Fauci-ouchie" today. I am saddened but not shocked at the number of people who are not going to get it because they believe the LIES that this is a mind-control drug or they are implanting microchips to track you ( this said, absent of irony, by people who WILLINGLY carry a tacking device with them at all times, even into the bathroom) I am looking forward to being vaccinated and gathering together with my like minded friends who actually looked at the SCIENCE NOT the SCIENCE FICTION ( seriously a lot of the things I am reading are the stuff of Dystopian Fiction)
I see that Caitlyn Jenner is running for governor. She really IS delusional. Does she really think she will be the one Republicans rally behind? OY