Tuesday, April 13, 2021

No words but I do have a few

 When I was a kid and my mother asked me why I had done something and I came out with a lame excuse rather than a clear explanation, she would shake her head and say " well a poor excuse is better than none"  I suppose she meant she wasn't buying it, but she would let me think about it.  

This makes me think of the cop who shot Daunte Wright for having air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror.  Apparently it's illegal but when you are Driving While Black it is also a capitol offense.   She claimed she was reaching for her Taser and grabbed her gun.  The smell of Toro poop is strong with this defense.   What in tarnation are they teaching the cops in Minnesota anyway?

Sadly, this is not a "one off" or an aberration. It happens daily, all over this country.  Driving while Not White is a crime.  

I am a white woman of a certain age and while we often fade into the background ( I say Invisibility is my superpower) I wonder what we can do .  I belong to a group where recently the moderator posted a "safe space" for women of color to talk about how they are feeling right now.  White women were asked not to comment, but they did anyway.  The anger that erupted between us was disheartening.  We were asked to either read the comments and learn something, or get off  that thread.  Now I will admit I got a little upset to see my sisters lump us all together.  I think that is just as wrong as when white people do it and it doesn't really solve the problem.  Well maybe it does.  If you bring a bias out into the light of day and are willing to discuss both sides of the issue, perhaps we can join together.  That's the old hippie in me, I suppose, believing that there is hope if we just have peace, love and understanding in our hearts.  Seed need to break their shell before they can grow and I imagine there is a lot of pain that we must go through to get to a better place.  We change hearts and minds, often one person at a time and there will not be this gigantic seachange without struggle. I am hopeful we can begin a dialog.  Baby steps are better than no steps.

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