Sunday, April 4, 2021

He is Risen

 Three powerful words that are the basis of the Christian faith. He is Risen.   In the past four years, The trump ( small "T" intentional) administration and Faux News have thrown an awful lot of  dirt toward "The War on Christmas"  as if  Christmas somehow defines the Christian Faith.  It does not.  Sure, we love to celebrate and give presents, but really the core of faith is that he died and rose again.  

Somehow the Most Christian Man in the World forgets that.

Growing up, I went to a church of my choosing with my sister ( who I think actually chose the church, she may have known someone who went there)  The original pastor,  Pastor Gene, was a gentle soul whose sermons were  warm and hopeful.  When he left, we got  Brother Johnstone, a "Fire and Brimstone" Baptist.  I never could quite reconcile the "God who loved you so well that he knew the number of the hairs on your head"  with the "God who will smite you down with a Thunderbolt if you step out of line"   I heard a lot about "Fearing God"  I don't think that's the point.  AS I grew older, I saw the hypocrisy in my chosen church and turned from organized religion to have a  personal, if unorthodox relationship with my Creator.  Sure, I believe the basics of Christianity, but some of it is just weird.  I suppose that is what faith is.   I stopped being afraid of God and started having long chats with him.  I figure he know what I am talking about, most of the time.

I see  a lot of people waving a Bible, including some who have probably never even opened one or really thought about what it says.  Hate is not a Christian value.  Hating people is something Christ himself directly addressed in his new commandment to his followers "Love ye one another"  Simple, right?   I think there are sects of Christianity who missed the memo.

As we celebrate  Easter, with colored eggs and chocolate bunnies, let us all endeavor to take Christ's words to heart, even if you don't follow Christianity.   Love.  It's a good thing to do.

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