Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday 4/20

 There will be a LOT of  chatter in memes today that it is not ONLY "Taco Tuesday" but "4/20" as well, a day for some odd reason is celebrated for smoking pot.  I've got nothing against pot, mind you.  I DID come of age in the 1970s and well all that came with that.   I don't smoke now- asthma and lack of interest- but those who enjoy the herb should be able to do so.

I am postulating who might be behind the image of the Demon Weed:

I think the Tobacco industry has a lot to do with it, as if somehow, people smoking cannabis would siphon away cigarette smokers.  It is possible the alcohol folks too, but people have a tendency to have something along with the smoke. 

Maybe Big Pharma, as medical marijuana and the benefits of THC are coming more and more to the forefront.  It didn't work for me, I just felt "high" and in pain versus just in pain, but a lot of people report positive findings

Maybe the "for Profit "jail and the legal system.  By criminalizing it, we can throw more people in jail and reap the benefits of incarcerating people.

Maybe all of the above have a hand in it.

President Biden ( I STILL take pleasure in saying and typing those words)  has vowed to decriminalize it.  He's got a fight on his hands, but my money is on Joe.  

In the words of Elliot Mintz, introducing the file "Reefer Madness" on PBS all those years ago  "smoke if ya got 'em"

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