Monday, April 12, 2021

Prednisone. Again

 Have I mentioned I hate taking prednisone?   Just for the record   I.HATE.TAKING PREDNISONE.     It behaves badly in my body.   Last night I felt like I was ON something,  couldn't sleep, couldn't shut off my brain, wound up taking a pain reliever to counteract it and FINALLY FINALLY fell asleep around 4 am.  I get up at 6:30.   This ought to be interesting. It also makes me incredibly slow witted.  If you talk to me today please understand.

Fro some reason, my asthma has ramped out of control.  I need to get a handle on it and this was the solution.  UGH.  I think stress contributes.  I keep SAYING I am going to get more exercise, but yesterday my right knee had other plans.  I hate taking anything for the pain.  I am waiting for my second shot to schedule my replacement.  I need to do it soon, but will email the surgeon AFTER I am fully protected.

I see a lot of people saying they are not getting the shot.  Ok.  Did you go to medical school, do you know something I don't?  We made polio less of a thing.  It's not completely gone because PEOPLE DIDN"T TAKE THE VACCINE!!!!!!  ugh  I remember getting the sugar cube in elementary school- and asking about a second one (lol- I was six)   There was no vaccine for Chicken pox and I got that when I was four months pregnant with Kate.  She got it in her eyes and wears glasses because of it. It there had been a vaccine, you bet your sweet bippy I would have gotten it.

I get it.  You don't want the vaccine because:

a-  You think they are implanting a microchip and will be tracking you ( the irony that most people saying this WILLINGLY carry a mobile tracking device everywhere EVEN THE BATHROOM, is delicious)

b- you believe herd immunity will protect you.  Herd immunity depends, I believe, on  people in the "herd" actually getting the virus AND recovering from it.  I'm not willing to take that chance.

c- you believe in "natural holistic healing and essential oils"  Look, I'm as hippy-dippy as the next person, but I STILL trust Western medicine for viruses.

d- you believe that vaccines cause autism.  No, they don't.  That was debunked years ago, so stop, just STOP.

Don't get me started on the anti-maskers.  wear the mask for two weeks.  If you had, and social distanced AND washed your hands, we might not be in this mess.  AS usual I blame the failed leadership of the Former Guy for that.  

So I have to take Prednisone for another week which means that for the next week or so, I am going to be in no particular order:




not eating


So bear with me.  It's gonna be a long week

1 comment:

  1. An acquaintence said that SHE HEARD (or read on SOME SITE) that in Cuba, you can go into any store at all, give them $3.00 (American!) and get a single OTC pill that will totally counteract the virus.
    AND, I do know two people who are worried about microchips - adn one is a registered nurse!
    IF you retired, I KNOW for a fact that an amzing amount of your stress would GO AWAY!
    AND you could sleep until after 10 like I did this morning! With both cats!
    Free medical advice and I didn't even go to medical school!


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