Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy "independence" day

 My Ass.

Seriously.  MY ASS.  The "Supreme" Cabal that passes for the highest law of the land has done the bidding of their Evangelical Masters and removed bodily autonomy from more than HALF the population.

And we are supposed to Lie down and take it.  AS IF

My Fourth great-grandfather ( that would be my great-great great-great grandfather) was a Lieutenant In the 1st Company, 2nd Battalion of Philadelphia County in the Revolutionary War . This makes me, for good or ill, a Daughter of the American Revolution. Now that I am retired I may look into it, but as I recall, they have a racist history, so while the historic connection to the past might be neat, I don't think a membership in the association would be worthwhile.  It goes without saying that the blood of warriors is part of my DNA, people who realized it was better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.  

I just can't believe we have to do this all over again.  I try to remain optimistic that Congress will act on the will of MOST of the people, who support a woman's right to choose.  

The Cabal will not stop here, they will go after all the other things that they don't like.  We need to stand in the fire NOW.

I see the Former Guy is thinking of declaring his candidacy.  Oh, decisions, decisions.  "Shall I try to avoid indictment buy declaring my candidacy and claiming that this is political and they are trying to stop me from being president." OR "should I continue to rile up my base and get those pensioners to continue to send me money until the last possible second so I can flee the country?  I'm sure Vlad will let me into Russia if I ask nicely and maybe give him Melania"  He really needs "a good f-ing lawyer" who will explain to him that he no longer is President and even as such NO ONE is above the law.  The DOJ is gathering evidence and the IDIOT had his vanity project, the filmmaker following him all over the place, that is probably akin to the Nixon tapes.  I remain hopeful.

My little town is having a parade, but I think I'll pass this year.  Just not feeling like dragging myself and my folding chairs out on Foothill Bl this year.   I have been having asthma issues and I am wiped out by them.  Better today than yesterday, as the meds have finally kicked in, but ugh.

This 4th, I will stay in and quietly reflect on the health of my beloved country.  It is not "My country, right or wrong"  it is "what the hell is WRONG with our country???"  I may binge watch the hearings ( I missed them because I was working)   I will reflect on that another time, but I WILL say this; If you want to declare that someone is lying, go to the Committee, place YOUR hand on the Bible you claim to revere and swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Remember there IS a penalty for lying to Congress ( and I HOPE the Justices who did will face that penalty as well)

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