Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Tuesday, July 5 and I am just trying to shake it all off

 How did I spend the 4th, you ask.  In Urgent Care and Emergency with my husband.  He had been having chest pains and we thought it might be a good idea to get it checked out before it got bad.  We both figured it would be a few hours.  NOPE.  It turned into a nine hour odyssey at Kaiser. ( Not to self, when going to Urgent care, bring the charger and a backup battery, they really should invest in those charge port things they have at Central Library)

Chris had several blood tests, a cat scan, TWO EKGs and a chest x-ray.  The diagnosis?  Not a heart attack, not blood clots.  They don't know what is IS , but are sure what it isn't.  I suppose it makes me feel somewhat better, but the helpless feeling is not one I want to repeat any time soon.  He needs to talk to his primary doctor.  

The nice leisurely , post-visit lunch we had planned  turned into a drive thru meal, just in time for the neighborhood to become a war zone.  Gunshots and Cherry bombs.  Happy FREAKING 4th.  Because Chris was not feeling well - and frankly neither am I , asthma ( probably induced by a series of stressors that I am slowly releasing) we skipped the parade.  My beloved Adam Schiff DID ride in the parade.  I get all fangirl and yell his name, so maybe that was for the best.  I have met him a few times.  He is the real deal, unlike many of the politicians I have encountered in my job (I am looking at several seriously unctuous former Mayors )

Today I plan to make a bowl of popcorn and watch the hearings I have missed, since I was working.  I watched Watergate, Iran Contra and now this.  The marked difference is that people who follow the Former Guy in cult-like obedience will not hear the truth, since it is counter to their programming. At least in Watergate, once the truth was in the air, people saw Nixon for who he was.  The current Republican Party is not that honorable and seems to think that Trump World is the way of the future. I wonder if Pence's Conversion Therapy camps can be somehow repurposed to deprogram the Trump Cult.  It's a thought.

Speaking of Pence, he's no hero.  He did his job, mostly to stay of of legal trouble.  His former boss tried to have the mob murder him and he still licks his boots.   Shows you who HE is, doesn't it?   Cassidy Hutchinson is more a hero than he is, putting the truth out there.  Hopefully the "vanity Video project" that the Former Guy and his family contracted will show the truth in stark detail.  Wanna BET he tried to sue the videographer, claiming the film is HIS?  Also, wanna bet he has yet to pay the guy a dime? 

Still I woke up this morning at 6 am.  My retirement started today for real.  I wonder how long it will take ME to deprogram a lifetime of "early to bed early to rise"?

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