Friday, July 8, 2022

I'm getting days mixed up

 it's Friday, right?   

I am heading out to 29 to spend time with the boys.  My phone isn't working in the house, so we got a "spare" as I am traveling alone and if it's the phone and not the cell towers, as I  suspect it is, then I don't want to be on the road without a phone.

Funny I used to do this run all the time when I was younger and cell phones were not a thing AND there were less people on the road to boot,  Now I would not dream of it.

Retirement is weird. My body is still on my "work clock" so I wake up at 6.  I tell myself I can sleep longer, but that usually is only about 7 am then I am up.  I have been getting up early as long as I can remember. I wonder if I am a "morning person" by biology or by training.  I do enjoy a quiet peaceful morning.  I am looking forward, sort of, to the move to 29 where mornings are quiet.  I am hoping to put a picnic table on the patio to have coffee and maybe read or write in the morning air before it gets too hot to do so.

I am retired.  Someone told me I will be even busier in retirement than I was when I was working.  I would like a rest, even for a bit, but life has been pulling me in a thousand different directions.  The new type of stress is insane.  I am hopeful all the crazy , horrible things that happened in the past three weeks resolve ( it looks promising) and I can just breathe.

So far, I have signed up for an online class in something I was always interested in but never had the time for.  It's via the library and I think I can just take it at my own pace. or not.

I belong to a group that reviews books and I inadvertently signed up for TWO of them at the same time. I also have to finish a library book that is due back in two weeks that I can't read on my Kindle.  There MAY be a way to get it to my tablet, if I can FIND my tablet.  It may be in storage.

Chris and I need to go thru the stuff we have in storage.  We are planning a garage sale in August or September.  Watch this space.   We brought home a lot of things from Anna's that we need to determine what to do with.  UGH.  A lot of emotions go with that.

I have always been a busy person.  I am not sure I know, or want to know, how to slow down.  Time will tell

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see you are posting almost every day! Good for you! I hope you keep it up.
    It didn't take me anytime at all to transition into retirement mode, but everyone is different.
    Congratulations again


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