Thursday, July 14, 2022

Politics, again

 I am watching the hearings, like any good American should be, with a mix of awe and disgust.  Holy moly!  The mindset of the Former Guy and his minions is mind-blowing.  The lack of understanding of the Constitution and how elections work is astonishing.  It's a lot to unpack.

Trump knew he lost, but since "loser" is the biggest insult his daddy-kins could throw at him, he could not- WOULD NOT- accept public defeat.  He tried six ways from Sunday to do what has always worked in business for him- suing- and filling the courts with faulty lawsuits to stall the inevitable.  When THAT didn't work, the wanna-be soldier turned to violence.  I bet he got his jollies watching his militia trying to break into the chambers on January 6, since he could not live out his fantasy of standing on the Capitol steps and making a "stirring speech" and perhaps standing on the Senate Floor doing the same thing. 

He knew he lost, he knows he lost and still is making bank from his sucker supporters with his Big Lie.  Everyone around him, even slimeball Steve Bannon and Wack-a-doodle Michael Flynn know it.  I particularly love that Flynn took the 5th on EVERYHTING ( probably including what day of the week it was, but they didn't show that)  Honestly, does he understand that the 5th is almost a confession of the knowledge that he did something.. criminal?  Thy have the good on you, sometimes confession is good for the soul and remorse and a request for rehabilitation goes a long way in the sentencing phase.  

I wonder what that former Trumper who lost everything will be sentenced with. Wanna bet he will have a book deal- written by a ghost writer or an "As-told-to, since I doubt he could string two sentences together.  Trump loves the uneducated, they are his easiest marks. 

There are those in Trump World ( and they actually call it that in his inner circle apparently) who believe Trump will be president again. The trump people are starting to float the idea that he  didn't understand the laws and he was getting bad advice from alternate lawyers.  THERE alone is reason he should never be near nuclear codes again. Trump himself seems to believe that he has some kind of immunity and his history of not being prosecuted for his crimes seems to bear out the reasoning.  I can ONLY hope that the DOJ is working on an ironclad case, waiting to spring the trap until the January 6th Commission has all the facts out in the public eye.  

I remain hopeful and will be sitting glued to the tv next week.

1 comment:

  1. Did you enjoy Josh Hawley? Or as we now call him, :Joshy Hawling Assy?"


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