Monday, February 9, 2015


I went to my eye doctor this morning. He said something about me being a librarian.  I gently corrected him, informing him that I did not have as Masters in Library science. I told him that was a requirement to call yourself a librarian.  He said "It's close enough"  I wanted to explode.  I wondered how HE would feel if I suddenly declared myself to be an Optometrist because I had worked in his office.  Dumb.  I don't think he got it that Librarian is a professional degree, just like Doctor is.  Maybe because it's a field that is traditionally thought to be a woman's profession, that it is somehow less noble.  It irks me.  At one point I actually wanted to BE a librarian, but my life took a different path and here I am.  Most of the time, I LIKE what I do and think it's an important cog in the Big ol' Wheel of the Library Department, but NEVER do I think for one moment that I should usurp the title that those who actually ARE Librarians carry.  I'm a Management Analyst. I have a Bachelor's Degree. I have a t-shirt that declares " I am a Management Analyst.  I solve problems you didn't know you had in ways you cannot understand."   Yep.  That about covers my job.

I didn't watch the Grammys. I was just interested in one category anyway.  My long time friend Jimmy Velarde produced an album that was up for Best Regional Mexican Music album of the year.  It didn't win, but the woman,Ixya Herrera, has a wonderful voice and a brilliant future ahead of her.  This from someone who can take or leave traditional Mexican music.  I liked what I heard here.

What bugged me about the Grammy's were a few things:

Kanye Kardashian.  Yeah I went there.  He is less relevant and I don't care that he recorded with Sir Paul He's a moron.  Who died and made him King of the Hop?    What does HIS opinion matter? Aren't the awards voted on by Members of the Academy?   Someone needs to uninvite him to the next shindig.  I could not help but wonder if the whole thing was a publicity stunt for his bride's "reality" show. Probably.  Sit your ass down and shut the hell up.  Even Beyonce  and Jay-Z were mortified.

On what planet was Rhianna's dress one of the best?  It reminded me of a giant Hostess sno-ball!

 Madonna's outfit was cute from the front, but geez the BACK?  No one wants to see that, Madge.

 I wonder about the Fashion editors, desperately looking for edgy outfits to praise.  Some people looked cute and classy, then there were those that just wanted to stand out in any way possible.  I'm getting to old for this shit....

1 comment:

  1. Robyn, I have seen a film clip wherein even his wife, the lovely and talented Kim seems embarrassed. (As opposed to her usual just "bare assed.")(Sorry, it was too obvious to pass up!)
    And if Kim is embarrassed about something, it must be bad. I agree - he is a total jerk, and so much less than relevant.
    The "frocks?" Well, we know they're just costumes. Tom


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