Thursday, February 5, 2015

Anti-vaxers and oven problems

The anti-VAX movement is driving me crazy.  It started to REALLY be an issue when a faked study was released that vaccines were the cause of autism.  The study was proved to be faulty, but like any good scary rumor, this one had legs of it's own.  Jenny McCarthy, who is most famous I believe for her Playboy spread NOT her Nobel Prize in science, was the one banging the drum on talk-shows and in magazines.  People believed it, anything to get an answer to the cause and possible elimination of autism.  But the study was a lie that people believe.  Here's the deal IMHO.  YOU have the right to choose not to vaccinate YOUR child, but you do NOT have the right to endanger MINE if you so choose.  I was out in public recently with my four month old grandson.  He's too young to have had all of his vaccines.  I worried that he might be exposed to something, although there are currently no warnings about measles in Los Angeles County.  There ARE in San Bernardino County, where he lives.  Just because YOU believe that herbs and a "healthy" lifestyle will prevent sickness, the resurgence of "childhood illnesses", as they used to call mumps and measles, is on the upswing.  It shows the flaw in the logic.  There are more reported measles cases every day, cases that COULD have been prevented with vaccines.  I wish no child the illness that COULD have been prevented.  It's irresponsible in my book.  I have a dear friend whose daughter is also a dear friend but she is rabidly anti-VAX.  She's a good mother, but she is wrong.  I pray for the innocent children who will be the ones who pay the price for this movement.

"You yelled HEY when the stove blew up. Upset?  Why Yes!"  That the line from a Lowell George song that I was singing last night.  I got the Baby Jesus in the sweetbread on Three Kings Day and we are having the celebration this morning.  I baked some lovely cinnamon apple muffins, but they burbled over and the whole kitchen was filled with smoke.  YIKES!  I had a meeting to go to and just turned off the oven and left the half baked treats in the oven with the door closed.  When I came home two hours later to try to deal with the mess, I found much to my relief that the muffins were NOT destroyed, but they actually came out ok!  We ate a few last night, just to be sure.  Of course, I have a meeting with a vendor this morning and will miss the party.  Sigh.  I wonder if I have discovered a new baking trick,  I don't think I want to repeat the experiment.

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