Friday, February 27, 2015

Negtive thoughts and negative people

I woke up at three a.m. with an epiphany.  When negative thoughts and negative people are removed from a situation, it allows the "good" energy to flow and to heal. I work up after dreaming of a golden river of energy that was stalled in its progress by a large wooden peg.  When the peg was removed, the energy flowed down in great waves.  I realized what it meant.   I had been particularly angry, well maybe not angry- more like disappointed, in a colleague who had spent a lot of time and energy rearranging things on a project to suit HIS liking.  Then, when he got some "push back" from the group, he tucked his tail and took his ball and went home.  This project is crucial to the life of the organization and I could not understand how someone who said they were committed to it could just say "I'm out."  It leaves the rest of us scrambling.   But yesterday, after months of trying to solve a key piece, the gates opened and one particularly worrisome millstone has been removed.  The relief is genuine.  One hurdle in this race has been cleared.

The person who left made a remark that was something akin to  " I can't keep working with people who think everything is going to be ok"  Hmmmm.  Maybe HIS negative energy was the peg that was blocking the flow.  Maybe him leaving was the catalyst for change, for GOOD change, that we needed.  I can't imagine working on anything with anyone who did not believe in a successful outcome.  Why bother if you think it's going to fail?  Belief and faith are powerful tools.  I walk in faith and believe.  Some may think it's naive, but hope is a prime motivator for me.  Without hope, you have nothing.

I need to look at what might be blocking my success and remove the" blocking pegs" to the flow of the positive.  I know where I need to start.  With myself.  I need to forgive those who have hurt me and bless them in my heart.  I need to accept that there are things about others that will not change and remove the negative thought I have about them.  Let them be who they are but remove them from my life as much as it is possible to do.  Interaction with these people can be kept to a minimum and when I am around them, I need to remember that what they do no longer matters to me.  I will be more hopeful for positive energy to come into their lives, but realize that what they do is their choice and what comes from their choice has nothing to do with me.

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