Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I have had a friend on my mind lately.  Thirty-four years ago, although it seems like just yesterday, we buried our friend on Valentine's Day.  She had lupus.  It attacked her and before we knew it, she was gone.  I have been thinking about her this week.  We were friends at work and became friends outside work, although she was the outdoorsy hiking and skiing type, I was into music and bands and concerts.   She was the kindest person I ever met.  It's a cliche to say that someone's smile could light up a room, but hers did.  I am better for having known her.  I don't believe people become angels when they die.  I believe angels are a different being altogether, but I do believe that those who pass over can guide us in troubled times. I gave my daughter Laura's middle name as hers, Elizabeth, and I named the doll my grandmother gave Kate "Laura"  Kate called the doll "Lolly"  I do not know what happens when we cross over, but I know wherever she is, there is laughter and warmth and a wicked sense of humor.

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