Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cindy Alexander and Stacey K. Black

Last night, I went out to see one of my favorite singer-songwriters, Cindy Alexander.  She was doing her Valentines Day/Singles Awareness Day show at Molly Malone's.  I bought tickets because I have missed seeing her the last few times for one reason or another and thought it might be a nice way to spend the night, since the "Sweethearts Dinner" at the MAC fell through.

I don't like Molly Malone's much.  I have had one or two unpleasant experiences with staff there, but this time it was nicer somehow.  We found street parking, a small miracle in itself, which was an easy walk to the club.  The doorman joshed with us a bit and we found two seats at the bar while we waited for the venue to open.  They had Bushmills'; after all it IS an Irish pub.  I had one at the bar and grabbed a refill on my way into the showroom.  I have been on edge lately and the elixir really made me feel mellow!

The place was already packed and we snagged two chairs near the sound-booth. The seats were placed directly beneath a HARD blowing AC unit but we figured it would be better when the place filled up.  The unit was blowing right in my face, so if you saw me and thought I was crying at all the sweet love songs, I was not.  Midway through Cindy's set, Chris changed seats with me and proceeded to freeze HIS butt off.  But as usual, I digress from the purpose of this which was to review the show.

I had never heard of Stacey K. Black, but was instantly charmed by her when she announced she had taken the gig so she could get a free ticket to see Cindy. She began with some lovely songs, then moved on to play a song entitled "Please go"  a "love song" with a wicked twist.  Delightful and well executed.  I am a fan.  I wanted to buy a CD.  I managed to scrounge up ten bucks cash, but she never made it back to the merch table. Ah  well, I can go to CD baby and see what is there.

I have been a fan of Cindy Alexander for almost ten years, I guess.  She is one of my favorite America finds, having opened for the "boys" years ago.   She came out on stage and both my husband and I gasped in appreciation.  Now, Cindy is always beautiful, but the dress she was wearing and everything else about her was so incredibly lovely that it bears mentioning.  She launched into "We'll See Stars" then was joined by her band.  She did a lot of older songs that I love and she and her band sounded wonderful.. My least favorite song of hers is "Soul Quake" which she played.  A lot of people like it, but it sounds too much like that Pointer Sisters song about wanting a lover with a slow hand. I don't like that song either.  I loved hearing "Time Falling Down" and one of my personal favorites "Angels and Demons" which showcases Cindy's amazing pipes.   She and the band were having a fun playful time, very relaxed and lighthearted mood which flowed out into the happy capacity crowd.

It was a wonderful evening and I am glad we went.  There is no easy way to get to the Fairfax District, where Molly Malone's is situated, from the Valley and the GPS took us on a long meandering trek through side-streets to get there.  On the way home I was the GPS and we got home quicker.

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