Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Baltimore and other April 29 thoughts

Like most people, I watched with a mixture of anger and sorrow, the events taking place in Baltimore this last week.  I live in Los Angeles and lived through the King Riots ( neatly called the Civil Unrest then)  I'm sorry, "Civil Unrest" doesn't burn down entire neighborhoods in my opinion.  Call it what it is.  A riot does ultimately effect change, even in it's brutality.  Painting it with a softer PC brush does not change the violence.  I feel for the people whose anger bubbles up into this. I am angry at people who feel the need to loot businesses, taking the protest for social change as an excuse to steal.  What does the new television you took have to do with protesting police brutality?  I am unclear on that.

A woman I knew went on a hand-wringing diatribe about how "White people" should shut up about the situation in Baltimore, as if by being white we are not entitled to an opinion.  While it is true I will never understand what it means to be a Black male stopped by the police, I do not believe we should just sit silent over the situation simply because of the color of our skin.   The death of Freddy Grey while in Police custody was wrong, certainly,  and just a flash point of other problems that need a solution.  Is burning down the City the solution to the problem?  I don't think so.  I saw an article about a group of men who stood together as a human barricade between protestors and police, encouraging peaceful protest.  Amazing and brave.  People like these men give me hope.

Today marks the 29th anniversary of the Central Library Fire.  While it was never proven with any certainty, a creep named Harry Peak snuck into the stacks and started a fire.  The amazing thing is that all the staff and the patrons were able to get out in an orderly fashion, thanks to the MANY fire drill practiced in the old firetrap.  The fire did ONE good thing, it made the people of Los Angeles realize what a treasure the old building- and ALL Libraries in the City-were.  Today I work int eh renovated and expanded Central Library.  It's a beautiful building.  If you haven't been there, and you live in Los Angeles, WHY NOT?  Come on down.  It's an amazing place.

I know the city of Baltimore will rise and will heal just as Los Angeles did after the King riots.  Hopefully a dialog will begin in those communities and real change will begin. Is it perfect now?  Not by a long shot, but awareness of the problem and a willingness to get better is a good start

Monday, April 27, 2015


Maybe I'm losing my sense of humor.  Saturday night, Chris and I went out to the Comedy Store in WeHo, to see our friend Julian Michael.  To me, playing the Comedy Store was a big deal so even though neither of us was feeling fabulous, we went.  The show was sold out, even oversold so even though we had tickets they had to squeeze us in.

We got nice seats at a booth in the back. Although the tickets SAID 7:30, it was apparent that the show started at 7.  Ugh, but frankly if the caliber of the talent was anything like the ones I saw then I am kind of glad I missed some of it.

I am going to go off on a rant here.  I don't know about anyone else, but making fun of "retarded people" (yes that's the term this guy used) and telling poop jokes ( about having diarrhea in public places)- just not funny.  I was SO ticked off at what he was saying about "Dating a retarded girl" I almost started yelling at him.  Frankly I thought at first he was saying a "Target girl" as I could not believe he was actually calling someone "retarded".  His attitude about her, that she was there to be the butt of his jokes, was disgusting.  Then he segued into the poop jokes.   I wish like heck I could remember this guy's name so I could call him out publicly.

The headliner was a woman named Whitney Cummings, who is apparently a writer for the TV show "Two Broke Girls" and had her own sitcom.  Her entire act was a bitter, dried up thirty year old who could not believe that men would not date her.  After all she has a house and a pool and her own money.  And that attitude. Angy.  Bitter.  Nasty disposition.  I wanted to flee after ten minutes with her.  I can't imagine anyone spending "quality time" with her.  She relentlessly picked on audience members, but I suppose that is a comedic style borrowed from Don Rickles, whom I never cared for either. 

There were only one of two comics whose act I enjoyed, Julian and the lady who went on before him.  I can't remember her name either.  I must be getting old.  I have CRS ( can't remember shit).

Going out to clubs is not something I want to do all the time, but it was nice to get out and do something different.  I am always up for new adventures.

Friday, April 24, 2015

I love movies

I really do love movies.  My husband is even MORE crazy about movies ( we won't talk about binge-watching Netflix, but it makes him happy)  Recently there has been a lot of crud in the "news" about actors and movies and it got me thinking about a few things.

I love Robert Downey Jr.  He is a wonderful actor and by all accounts a pretty nice guy.  His struggle with and triumph over addiction is an inspiration, so WHY did that "journalist" try to dig it up as if it were A)   still a factor and B) Salacious gossip that would make for a better interview.  Kudos to him for shutting down the interview.   I am looking forward to seeing the new Avengers film, despite the behavior of two co-stars who should have taken a page from his book.   Really, you guys?  You call the character of "Black Widow" a "slut and a "whore"?  If she were male, you would probably be chest thumping all over the place about what a stud this guy was.  I think she doesn't date EITHER of them and in the way of adolescent boys, they are trying to defame her with a bad reputation.  UGH.  Aren't we past this.  I was thinking about Mary Magdalene in this context the other day (oh yes I digress)   I am sure Peter didn't like that she was so close to Jesus (evidence suggests she was actually his wife) After Jesus was gone. old Pete and the boys went out of their way to besmirch her character.  Peter is not one of my favorites.

When I watch movies I try not to analyze plot holes too carefully.  Some of them have holes big enough to drive a truck through.  The ones that always get me are the time travel ones.  Here it is.  IF you can go back and change things, wouldn't the change you made already be in place in the future,   I mean   you've gone back in time and changed it, so how would you know any different.  Do you see where I am going with this?  While those movies ARE entertaining, they are totally illogical, because you would NOT KNOW any difference as you would have changed the past already, so the future would be set by what you did.  ok.  I'm getting dizzy here.  I do love the "Back to the Future Movies"  well, the first one anyway.   Cute and fun, but  illogical.

There is a whole cult of people who worship movie stars and fantasize about their lives.  Growing up in Los Angeles, I was always aware the being in the movies was "just another job"  A very well paying job, but still a job.  These people are not saving the world ( well, except maybe Angelina Jolie ;)  )  and they are no better than anyone else who does a job.  I knew a girl who moved here and walked around all the time looking to meet "famous people" as if you could really meet George Clooney in the supermarket.  Maybe you CAN, but she really believed that she would meet George in the produce section of the local Vons and went looking all the time.  Sigh. 

Still , we go to the movies and let the actors and the stories carry us away to their reality, for an hour or two.  Movie Theaters are becoming so plush I am almost afraid to go.  At some of them, you can have dinner and drinks AND watch a movie.  If I did that, I would REALLY fall asleep and the ushers would have to wake me up at the end of the film!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I have been pondering change in my life.   I have been having some health issues and I talked to my therapist . Yes I see someone who I can objectively bounce things off and who helps me to focus and really see what I need to do to to improve things.  I know there is still a bit of a stigma about seeing someone, but for me it is helping.  She sends me off with things to consider and guides me to make my own conclusions.  It's hard work.  I wish sometimes she would just say "do this"  but that is not the point of therapy, is it?  The point is to see clearly and to grow.   So...

I had an interview scheduled with the Fire Department.  The question was, was I really ready to take on a new job, so late in my "career" ?  I guess you can call what I do a "career" even though I sometimes think it's just a job.  I don't really have a title like "RN" or "Librarian" or "Electrician"  I'm a Management Analyst for the City of LA.  Talk about a nebulous job title!   I have been in my current assignment in a variety of configurations ( and I find this hard to believe) for 28 years.  Yeah.  A lifetime, at least for my daughter!  I have been doing pretty much the same freaking job for TWENTY-EIGHT years.  I don't know whether to be impressed or depressed.  In any case, I decided not to take the interview for a variety of reasons.  I have decided to explore something that has always intrigued me and will be dipping my toe back into school to see if it is what I think it is and to go forward that way.  Now, I know that I live by the expression "If you want God to laugh, tell him your plans" but I do have a plan and once I am sure it will work, I will be a bit more open about it.  For now, I am looking at a class or two.  Wish me luck.  I haven't taken classes since I graduated college in 1980!

We bought an exercise bike, instead of a gym membership.  One of my colleagues said she and her husband call the gym " the James" because they're not that close.  I had to laugh but she had a point.  I know I would not GO to the gym but if it's sitting in my living room and I KNOW I need to do it, I am more likely to get on and ride or walk for a few minutes.  I am operating under the theory that ANY additional exercise is good.  The bike is a combination bike and elliptical.  I realized this morning I can READ while I am on the bike.  YES!  I could not do that on the treadmill.  I know the song my doctor sings is that I need 30 minutes a day. I am working my way up to it.

I haven't really written any poetry in a long time.  I wonder if I can still do it, being so long out of practice.  More to the point, I suppose is if I WRITE it, will I share it?  I live in Tujunga, where there is a thriving poetry community.  I have looked at joining one of the groups, but I don't think so.  They seem to be long established, almost a clique, and I don't want to try to break in to it.  For now, I suppose I will write for myself and if I think it is worthy, will post it here.  I miss writing poetry and need to try to remember how to do it.

Today is Shakespeare's birthday- and death day.  The theory is he was born today, as he was baptized on April 26 and they traditionally did that when the child was three days old.  So we celebrate his birthday on April 23. I really am lacking in my Shakespearean knowledge and need to see more plays. On my "bucket" list is spending time at the Ashland Shakespeare festival.  I think that would be amazing!

I've been creating a "Bucket List" of sorts, not because I am going to kick the bucket- or at least it's not in my current plans- but because I want to have things to look forward to on my horizon.  Having a wish and a plan give me hope.  I need to remember that the only constant is change and to embrace it as I go along.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday thoughts

I need to write more.  I suppose it's hard for me to get back into the craft of my writing, I need to focus on it more.  It is my creative outlet and my doctor said one of the things I need to do to get healthy ( besides the constant Kaiser-song of 30 minutes of exercise per day) is to do something for me. That's hard for me to do, but here goes nothing.

I was reading about how Ben Affleck  did not want the Show "who do you think you are" to reveal an ancestor had held slaves.  As if somehow, this is HIS fault?  As if someone will think less of him because of what an ancestor did?  It's nonsense.  I know there will be that whole "your ancestors made money from slavery" argument, but it really is a moot point.   In looking at MY family tree, it appears that my ancestors had slaves as well.  Am I happy about it?  No.   Was it wrong?  Yes.  Am I surprised, given that this branch of the family tree were QUAKERS and I thought they were more altruistic than that?  You BET I am.  But do I feel guilty?  No.  I can only feel guilt for things I am responsible for.   It does not change who I am and how I treat people.  We cannot change what was, it should inform us so we may change what  is and what will be.

I was reading about a minister who was removed from a college for teaching something that wasn't  strict fundamentalist doctrine.  The article talked about the belief that everything is already planned out, that God has our whole lives written down and we merely act them out according to his plan.  This minister was removed for the stating his idea that God responds out of love to us and our requests.  I'm gonna get theological now, so those of you who want to may skip to the next paragraph.  I think God gave us free will and choice and that he loves us and let's us do what we are going to do.  Otherwise the whole argument that he sent Jesus to absolve us of our sins is kind of silly.  If we are already pre-programmed to do whatever it is we are going to do, why bother at all?  I know, it's a little early for Christian theology.

I see that my friend, playwright Henry Ong was inducted into the Anthony Trollope Society.  He wrote a play based on the novel "Rachel Ray" not the television chef with the annoying voice, but the novel by Trollope.  It will be performed on Friday.   Henry is an amazingly gifted writer and one of the silliest people I have ever had the good fortune to work with.  I swear I didn't think there was a serious bone in his body.  I never got into Trollope, but have reserved a book on cd to see if I like him.  I love books on cd and ever sine my local radio station removed my favorite dj and put in some guy who guffaws at his own rather juvenile jokes instead of playing music in the morning, I have stopped listening to morning drive-time radio and moved on to books on tape and my own cd collection.  I am also waiting for two new cds from two of my favorites; America and Jeff Larson.  I love Jeff and am looking forward to the new cd, which I will probably review in GREAT DETAIL when it arrives.  I enjoy the process of writing a well reasoned review.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday musings

The line from a Jackson Browne song is in my head, sort of out of nowhere

"Maybe I should go back to Spain"

I've never been to Spain ( but I kinda like the music- hahaha)  In any case I suppose because I have spent the weekend wrestling with a huge possible change in my life, the wistfulness of they lyric is what is on my mind.  I have no answer, really about what I am going to do.  I need to try one or two more things before I really decide, but time is short on all of it.  I am going to be brewing a pot of coffee tonight when I get home from work and hopefully do some serious writing.  I need to do some real research on the options that lay before me; all of it represents what could be a huge change in my life.  There is a line from a James Taylor song "It's ok to feel afraid, but don't let that stand in your way"

I seem to get a lot of inspiration from song lyrics, don't I?

I got into a discussion with friends online about music.  My friend and his friends were talking about music and how they dislike the "California sound".   I love it.  One person talked about how a very prominent musician from that genre spent an awful lot of time trying to get him fired from his job.  Not nice.  Not nice at all.   That's the thing.  I have met some musicians from the genre and I have to say I am not a fan of their personalities.  I doubt I would hang out with them.  I love the music but some of the ones I have met are just... bullies.  Still I try to separate "the dancer from the dance"  I love their art; it moves and inspires me.  Joan Baez, in talking about Bob Dylan, wrote "Idols are best when they're made of stone"   I have to agree.  Still. we have a passion for music that touches our soul and refreshes our spirit; music that lifts us up and moves us.  I will never in a billion years understand the appeal of listening to disco.   Dancing to it, yeah sure, but sitting somewhere and listening to the Bee Gees?   Torture.  

Still it's Monday and I didn't get my home project done, but I did get to hang out with my handsome husband all weekend.  I could use another day-  or two --  or three of THAT.  Just relaxing with Chris and doing nothing else sounds really good right now.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Alexander's Bridge

I love Willa Cather.  Of the writer's of that era, she remains one I return to again and again.  I have taken on a "reading challenge and one of theme was something like "the first novel of a writer you love."  I looked into it and realized I had not read Cather's first novel, a short book only just over 100 pages, called "Alexander's Bridge" 

The English major in me was struck by all the symbolism in the book.  I often wondered if writers' consciously craft in symbolism, or it is just a natural part of the story telling.  In this book, the bridge is a powerful symbol.  Alexander is an engineer who has achieved fame as a result of his spectacular bridges.  He has all the trappings of success; a beautiful home, a successful business a beautiful, cultured wife who adores him.  Remember we are talking about the Victorian era, so I am not placing any of today's standards on this window into the past.   Early in the book, his wife and his old professor talk about how we must all cross some sort of bridge to get to the future; the inference is that bridges also lead to the past.  Alexander goes to England and encounters his first love and begins an affair with her.  This is implied in the book rather than spelled out.  If it were being written today, we would have gotten all the details of their escapades.  He goes back to his life in America and is happy there, but when he returns again to England he makes a decision to leave his wife and move back to England.  He wants to recapture the wild youth he was ( can you say "mid-life crisis'?  I knew you could).  He writes his wife a long letter but before he can give it to her, ( SPOILER ALERT)  he is killed when the bridge he has planned collapses.  She finds the soaked letter in his pocket, but  it is unreadable.  She continues to mourn him all the days of her life, ignorant of his mistress and his true intentions.   His mistress lives her life, going forward in the knowledge of love and loss.  The symbolism, that Alexander died while the bridge he built collapsed under him IS the plot of the novel.  He went back and forth across the bridge of his life, to his past love and to his imagined future with his wife.  I believe he was trapped between the two when he died; it was his wife whom he saw in the river as he was dying, not his mistress.

The book reminded me how much I enjoy Willa Cather and will probably read another of her books in the coming weeks.  I am going to  try T.H. White's "The Mountain Road" a book that was published the year I was born.  So far I have tried TWO books from 1958 and I didn't finish either of them.  I find the books from that year to be.. dull.  I think the pervasive heaviness of the Cold War invaded literature.  "The Mountain Road"  is supposed to be based on White's wartime experiences.  I am hopeful it will be better than the dreadful Edna Ferber book about "Ice Palace" which was about Alaska.  I thoroughly disliked the main character, a vapid greedy woman who made me stop reading after a few pages of exposure to her.  I didn't want to waste time spending any sort of time in her company!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Indiana thoughts

Well this week has been all about stupid people and laws that separate us from one another.  I can't BELIEVE in this week, when the core of our faith comes to the forefront ( it IS Easter week, after all) the people purporting to be "Christian" would use this "law" to exclude people based on the PERCEPTION of who they are.   Sheesh.  Who would Christ hate?

After a week of hitting the state in the pocketbook, the Governor signed an amendment to the law, clarifying it.  Nice that our belief in our Creator and the words of Jesus, who commanded his disciples "Love ye one another" didn't even enter into the minds of these Ya-hoos who hide behind a "faith" I cannot comprehend. No, when it came down to losing MONEY, they made the appropriate change.   Will people still discriminate?  Yep, but it will be more subtle.

Maybe I am jaded, but I can't help but wonder about the financial status of the pizza joint prior to them publicly hanging out their bigot flag.  All those people rallying around them and sending them money. Want to bet they go out of business anyway?  They really need to read their Bible.  If they are going to adhere to stuff from Deuteronomy , I hope they don't have tattoos or wear wool blend clothing.  The owner is DIVORCED, that makes his wife a harlot, doesn't it.  Id' better double check.  For the record, I don't take all the stuff in the Old Testament as gospel.  It probably had good reason for it back in the day, but now it does not apply.  There is a story about a rabbi asked to explain the Torah while standing on one foot.  His answer is " what is hateful to you, do not do to others.  The rest is commentary."  That's how I feel about the Bible.  Now, you can accuse me of "Cherry picking" but I think most of the Bible is History, and we can learn from it, but my only take away is that we should try to care for each other.

In light of the uproar in Indiana, I think people SHOULD be able to serve who they want and if they choose to be a bigot they need a BIG SIGN on their front door declaring who will not be served.  That way, people can CHOOSE not to use their services and hopefully the bigots will go out of business.  I think you should show what a knuckle dragging Neanderthal you are and wear your BIGOT badge proudly.  What?  You DON'T want people to be aware of your prejudices?  It's BAD for Business?   Hmmm...   ( I am being ironic here, in case it isn't clear)