Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday musings

The line from a Jackson Browne song is in my head, sort of out of nowhere

"Maybe I should go back to Spain"

I've never been to Spain ( but I kinda like the music- hahaha)  In any case I suppose because I have spent the weekend wrestling with a huge possible change in my life, the wistfulness of they lyric is what is on my mind.  I have no answer, really about what I am going to do.  I need to try one or two more things before I really decide, but time is short on all of it.  I am going to be brewing a pot of coffee tonight when I get home from work and hopefully do some serious writing.  I need to do some real research on the options that lay before me; all of it represents what could be a huge change in my life.  There is a line from a James Taylor song "It's ok to feel afraid, but don't let that stand in your way"

I seem to get a lot of inspiration from song lyrics, don't I?

I got into a discussion with friends online about music.  My friend and his friends were talking about music and how they dislike the "California sound".   I love it.  One person talked about how a very prominent musician from that genre spent an awful lot of time trying to get him fired from his job.  Not nice.  Not nice at all.   That's the thing.  I have met some musicians from the genre and I have to say I am not a fan of their personalities.  I doubt I would hang out with them.  I love the music but some of the ones I have met are just... bullies.  Still I try to separate "the dancer from the dance"  I love their art; it moves and inspires me.  Joan Baez, in talking about Bob Dylan, wrote "Idols are best when they're made of stone"   I have to agree.  Still. we have a passion for music that touches our soul and refreshes our spirit; music that lifts us up and moves us.  I will never in a billion years understand the appeal of listening to disco.   Dancing to it, yeah sure, but sitting somewhere and listening to the Bee Gees?   Torture.  

Still it's Monday and I didn't get my home project done, but I did get to hang out with my handsome husband all weekend.  I could use another day-  or two --  or three of THAT.  Just relaxing with Chris and doing nothing else sounds really good right now.


  1. Wel,, I WAS going to say something nice, until that very last line - Robyn, some of us LOVE disco! Dancing AND listening - probably because I had a LOT of good memories. In fact, I can still recall (I will spare you many of the details) the first time I ever heard it, and my then innamorata (innamorato?) said, "Oh, that's disco." We were listening to his vinyl disco of Glora Gaynor - she was singing things like "Honeybee" and Never Can Say Goodbye." I fell. Hard.
    HOWEVER, I digress, and I have not yet had any coffee (see Robyn, I read your blog before coffee!) whatever the big changes might be, you are a level headed gal and I know you will think things out very thoroughly and carefully (unless it involves leaving Chris, then make a split second decision and DO NOT LEAVE!)
    So, I, too, have never been to Spain. However, I HAVE been at least through Oklahoma. Ha ha ha.
    P.S. Glad to see more writing as of the last few days! I miss it.

  2. P.P.S. I am now having coffee AND listening to Gloria Gaynor! I will survive - yes!
    Guess who?


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