Monday, April 6, 2015

Indiana thoughts

Well this week has been all about stupid people and laws that separate us from one another.  I can't BELIEVE in this week, when the core of our faith comes to the forefront ( it IS Easter week, after all) the people purporting to be "Christian" would use this "law" to exclude people based on the PERCEPTION of who they are.   Sheesh.  Who would Christ hate?

After a week of hitting the state in the pocketbook, the Governor signed an amendment to the law, clarifying it.  Nice that our belief in our Creator and the words of Jesus, who commanded his disciples "Love ye one another" didn't even enter into the minds of these Ya-hoos who hide behind a "faith" I cannot comprehend. No, when it came down to losing MONEY, they made the appropriate change.   Will people still discriminate?  Yep, but it will be more subtle.

Maybe I am jaded, but I can't help but wonder about the financial status of the pizza joint prior to them publicly hanging out their bigot flag.  All those people rallying around them and sending them money. Want to bet they go out of business anyway?  They really need to read their Bible.  If they are going to adhere to stuff from Deuteronomy , I hope they don't have tattoos or wear wool blend clothing.  The owner is DIVORCED, that makes his wife a harlot, doesn't it.  Id' better double check.  For the record, I don't take all the stuff in the Old Testament as gospel.  It probably had good reason for it back in the day, but now it does not apply.  There is a story about a rabbi asked to explain the Torah while standing on one foot.  His answer is " what is hateful to you, do not do to others.  The rest is commentary."  That's how I feel about the Bible.  Now, you can accuse me of "Cherry picking" but I think most of the Bible is History, and we can learn from it, but my only take away is that we should try to care for each other.

In light of the uproar in Indiana, I think people SHOULD be able to serve who they want and if they choose to be a bigot they need a BIG SIGN on their front door declaring who will not be served.  That way, people can CHOOSE not to use their services and hopefully the bigots will go out of business.  I think you should show what a knuckle dragging Neanderthal you are and wear your BIGOT badge proudly.  What?  You DON'T want people to be aware of your prejudices?  It's BAD for Business?   Hmmm...   ( I am being ironic here, in case it isn't clear)

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday morning sermon talked about people of certitude and people of faith. The rector did mention Indiana and Arkansas. He also said that throughout the world people of certitude tended to be most responsible for violence. Because they KNOW what is right (and it is them!) I am really quite confused about the whole Indiana hoo-hah. I mean, if there intention is NOT to discriminate, then why have all this in the first place? I would also like to throw in my agreement with you that most people are quite choosy about what they will follow and adhere to. Pork, shellfish? Yum yum yum...................oh, but that was different then so it doesn't count. Mixed fibers, ditto. Divorce................well.......................... It seems as long as it impacts their lives, it must really be OK. AND, also chiming in about the anecdote about the rabbi, which I love!, let me just quote Jesus when he said in Matthew 36:40 (which I had to look up) Love thy neighbor as thyself......................and on this hangs all the laws and the prophets.


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