Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Song in my head this morning.

I woke up with this song from Jackson Browne in my head this morning.  I love Jackson.  His lyrics are so beautifully crafted. I often wonder if he works at it or it just flows out of him.  No matter, here is the lyric phrase I was hearing ( From Sky Blue and Black)

 You're the color of the sky
Reflected in each store-front window pane
You're the whispering and the sighing
Of my tires in the rain

You're the hidden cost and the thing that's lost
In everything I do
Yeah and I'll never stop looking for you
In the sunlight and the shadows

And the faces on the avenue
That's the way love is

 I heard the song on Sunday when I was making dinner for my friends. As it was the anniversary of my father's death, I was really thinking about him and my mom on Sunday.   The song got me thinking about people we have lost and whether they are around us when we need them most.  Sometimes, I feel their presence so strongly, it feels as if I could reach out and touch them.Those moments are both a sweet comfort and an agony so great as to cause physical pain.  I wonder if you ever get over this.   Probably not, you just learn to cope and the times when the memories make you laugh or feel warm in your belly outweigh the times when tears burn the corners of your eyes.  I call that an "ambush".  It comes out of nowhere. You are going along just fine then something reminds you and triggers such an incredible rush of sadness you are overcome.  The theme of seeing those we love in the world they left repeats in the Bob Dylan song "You're gonna make me lonesome when you go"

I'll look for you in old Honolulu
San Francisco, Ashtabula
You're gonna have to leave me now, I know
But I'll see you in the sky above
In the tall grass, in the ones I love
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

It's going to be a busy day for me and I will immerse myself in work I've taken on.  Sleep is a rare commodity these days and coffee, blessed coffee, is my new best friend.

1 comment:

  1. My mother has been dead almost 25 years (this coming December) and Dad died 25 years ago (this past January) and I still miss them - sometimes in the morning, in that split second or so between sleep (Dreaming) and waking) I remember all over again that they are dead. Mostly, I think about them and smile and have nice memories - sometimes, not so nice, but mostly nice. Are they there? My Catholic upbringing still has my personal jury out on that one! Tom


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