Sunday, March 29, 2015

Missing Dad

Five years ago today, my father crossed over to be with my mother; something he longed for every day after she had gone.  To say I miss them both is an understatement, but lately I have been "Channeling" my father, as in  "I open my mouth and my father falls out"  

He had no tolerance for BS.  I find as I am getting older, my tolerance is waning too.  I actually said that someone "couldn't find their backside with both hands at high noon in a hall of mirrors" the other day.  I said something I was served was "as dry as a fart in a windstorm   He had a million sayings like that. He was a very funny guy , I usually appreciated it, but NOT when he chose to be "funny" at my wedding to Chris. He made some crack about how many times he had given me away.  Dad.. Dad.. Dad... ( I'm shaking my head here)

I inherited his sense of humor and his cooking skills.  Nothing makes me happier than cooking a good meal- which I am planning on doing today to celebrate a good friend's birthday ( if you are reading this, you two had better bring your appetite!)  Kate inherited his love of dancing ( and his cooking skills)  I wonder what his namesake, my Bobby, will have of him?  Bobby looks just like him when he laughs.  I bet he is going to be a "ladies man" like my Dad, but I hope he will also be the husband and father my Dad was.  He loved my mother with all his being.  He missed her every day, which is why I am not so sad that he is gone.  I miss him, but they needed to be together.  I am sure the parties over there are incredible!  I bet he has found the Dixieland band and is dancing up a storm.  There HAS to be beer in heaven or he's be back by now.

I miss you, Dad, and even though we "talk" all the time, I would give anything to get a warm pretzel and an even warmer hug from you.

1 comment:

  1. I am bringing my appetite! (To prove I am reading this!)


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