Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cookies, movies and and Art SHow

You know that today is the Art Fair up at McGroarty, don't you.  Are YOU are planning on coming out to see the wonderful exhibit, enjoy the ambiance of the house and buy a cookie from me?  Willow and I baked about 50 LARGE sugar cookies, just waiting to be transformed into edible art.  C'mon.. You KNOW you want to....

Last night, we watched The Princess Bride.  It's been a long time since I saw it and I don't remember watching it all the way through.I had read recently a comment on the last line uttered by Peter Falk, who tells his grandson "As you wish" as he leaves the room.  The person who was talking about it speculated that the Grandfather was actually Westley, but I think they got it wrong.  Early in the movie, Buttercup realizes that when Westley says "As you wish" to her, he is really saying "I love you"   I think THAT  is what was meant by the last line.  The movie is full of quotable lines and just a lot of fun to watch.  Hard to believe it's 27 years old.  I remember trying to read the book years ago, but couldn't do it.  I wonder if  I should try to read it again.

It's going to be a full day and I have yet to see the full exhibit, although I have been to the Center numerous times since they  put it up.  I have been running too hard to take the time.    I am trying my best to slow down.  There are things people asked me to help with that I had to decline.  I will do what I can but I need to take time away from volunteering and get more "down" time.  I need to read more and write more.  I need to spend more time getting my house in order and time with my husband.  Chris is a sweet and patient man.  I enjoy his company.  I am also madly in love with him.  We've both been super busy and our hours aren't meshing as much as we might like them to be.  We need a vacation from the world, even if we don't leave Tujunga to do it.

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