Monday, March 23, 2015

Walking away from the Loonies

I don't often "unfriend" someone on Facebook.  Most of the people I know or have known for a long time; some from my distant past some are only "game" friends.   I try to ignore stuff that is only mildly annoying, but yesterday I unfriended  someone who I finally had had enough  of.  Over the last few weeks, she has been nasty about Barrack Obama, to the point where I wonder if she wishes him harm.  Not that she would have the wherewithal to DO anything, but her nasty demeanor in regard to him grated on my nerves and I tried to do the thing where you remain friends but don't see their posts.  Didn't work and YESTERDAY, she posted that if  there were no  "abortion clinics" ( read eliminate Planned Parenthood)  there would be no abortions.  She and another woman posted stories I liken to "fairy tales" about how a woman didn't have an abortion and it solved all her marital problems..  blah blah blah...  I pointed out that women have always sought abortions and that making them unsafe would not stop them.  At some point I realized I was arguing with an idiot and you know the rule there Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 

My husband loves these kinds of "discussions" online with people, but frankly I am not fond of them.  Seriously, I want to come home and have a peaceful evening.  I don't mind learning something from someone but this woman drove me crazy.  When I tried to point out history, she denied it.  What is is they say?  Those who don't learn from History are condemned to repeat it.  She must get her information from Fox News.  Their "news-people" really take the cake.  There was a whole discussion that Barrack Obama said he was going to make everyone vote.  Uh.. Hello?  He said that it would be a real game-changer if everyone voted.  They went on and on about how that was infringing on our rights, to be forced to do something we don't want to do.  On that logic, I don't have to pay TAXES, because I sure as hell don't want to do that; but I do because it, like voting, is for the good of this country.

So I will continue to choose what posts to see and hope that I am weeding out the people who have gone around the bend in some way.  People who rant are really energy draining and I have scant little of that these days!

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