Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I am reading James Lee Burke. He is incredibly well read and makes all sorts of literary  and historical references I have never heard. His books not only entertain, the provide food for thought.  They make me long to visit Iberia Parish, although I fear I would be disappointed not to encounter the people who inhabit his books, so I will continue to visit them with Mr Robichaux. In the book I am reading "Crusader's Cross" he said something about an Orwellian assertion that people are better than we think they are.  I looked around for the actual quote, but didn't find it right away- I'll look deeper later- but it got me to thinking about something I have been pondering lately.

I have had several encounters with artists lately who behave as if they are saving the world because they are creating art.  Now, don't get me wrong and it's not EVERY artist I have come in contact with, but the sense of " I am better qualified to make decisions for you because I  ( fill in the blank with   write poetry, paint, sculpt)"  Just because you are creative in one area does not give you a total lock on the world.  Those of us who are not "artists" have some pretty good ideas too.  A few of these people love to sit back and complain that things are NOT being done the way they should be, but don't lift a finger to effect change.   Maybe I am just jaded or maybe I am sick and tired of people sitting on the sidelines, catcalling, rather than helping.  TELLING me what needs to be done ( as if I didn't know that) is NOT helping.  Getting off your tail and DOING something, THAT is helping.

So, ARE people better than we think they are?  Sometimes.  I am often delighted when someone rises to the occasion in unexpected ways; but as I have grown older I am thinking more on the lines of P.T. Barnum who said something to the effect that you'll never grow broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public ( insert your Ted Cruz joke here)

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