Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St Patrick's Day and other thoughts

It was a busy weekend, and I am still recovering from it all.  I am not as young as I once was and don't "bounce" like I used to do...

On Saturday, McGroarty Arts Center had their Opening Reception for our Spring Art Show.  I helped with the catering and the bar, as I always do.  The show is beautiful and I am hoping this Saturday's Art Fair will bring in some much needed cash for the Center.  Like most non-profits these days, we are always in need of funds.  I will be baking cookies for the "Paint your own cookie masterpiece" booth.  Come out and support the Center.

On Sunday I was once again at the Last Mile of the LA Marathon. It was interesting as it always is.  I was disappointed in one or two of my volunteers who didn't bother to show up or to call me to tell me that they weren't coming.  Not cool when you have a small work force, but we did a good job of getting the runners hydrated and encouraged all the same.  People ask why I do this every year, as it is a real hassle sometimes.  I do it for that one person who really needs the help to get to the finish line.  We don't see the "winner" but the people we see are true WINNERS in my book.  Those people crying with every step, their face a mask of determination.  We tell them they are about a 1/2 mile out ( which is true, even though the station is Mile 25, we are probably closer to 26)  We stayed until the very end of the race and drove back to the Los Feliz area for the "reward" of  dinner at my favorite place ( that was open) Palermo.  The food and the company made the long day much better.

I had a dream that I forgot today was St Patrick's day until I got to work and realized I wasn't  "Wearing the Green"  ARGH!  I will be wearing a bright green t-shirt to work- ERIN GO BRAGH!  My family hails from County Caven, St Patrick's Parish.  I am an American of Irish descent every day, but more-so on March 17.  I am reminded of my heritage; my Dad used to tell me "You're a McCue, remember that" when times got tough for me.  We are made of sterner stuff.  So today I will make corned beef and cabbage and celebrate with a tot of Bushmill's .  I may make soda bread.  Whatever you do today, have a great one!

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