Friday, April 24, 2015

I love movies

I really do love movies.  My husband is even MORE crazy about movies ( we won't talk about binge-watching Netflix, but it makes him happy)  Recently there has been a lot of crud in the "news" about actors and movies and it got me thinking about a few things.

I love Robert Downey Jr.  He is a wonderful actor and by all accounts a pretty nice guy.  His struggle with and triumph over addiction is an inspiration, so WHY did that "journalist" try to dig it up as if it were A)   still a factor and B) Salacious gossip that would make for a better interview.  Kudos to him for shutting down the interview.   I am looking forward to seeing the new Avengers film, despite the behavior of two co-stars who should have taken a page from his book.   Really, you guys?  You call the character of "Black Widow" a "slut and a "whore"?  If she were male, you would probably be chest thumping all over the place about what a stud this guy was.  I think she doesn't date EITHER of them and in the way of adolescent boys, they are trying to defame her with a bad reputation.  UGH.  Aren't we past this.  I was thinking about Mary Magdalene in this context the other day (oh yes I digress)   I am sure Peter didn't like that she was so close to Jesus (evidence suggests she was actually his wife) After Jesus was gone. old Pete and the boys went out of their way to besmirch her character.  Peter is not one of my favorites.

When I watch movies I try not to analyze plot holes too carefully.  Some of them have holes big enough to drive a truck through.  The ones that always get me are the time travel ones.  Here it is.  IF you can go back and change things, wouldn't the change you made already be in place in the future,   I mean   you've gone back in time and changed it, so how would you know any different.  Do you see where I am going with this?  While those movies ARE entertaining, they are totally illogical, because you would NOT KNOW any difference as you would have changed the past already, so the future would be set by what you did.  ok.  I'm getting dizzy here.  I do love the "Back to the Future Movies"  well, the first one anyway.   Cute and fun, but  illogical.

There is a whole cult of people who worship movie stars and fantasize about their lives.  Growing up in Los Angeles, I was always aware the being in the movies was "just another job"  A very well paying job, but still a job.  These people are not saving the world ( well, except maybe Angelina Jolie ;)  )  and they are no better than anyone else who does a job.  I knew a girl who moved here and walked around all the time looking to meet "famous people" as if you could really meet George Clooney in the supermarket.  Maybe you CAN, but she really believed that she would meet George in the produce section of the local Vons and went looking all the time.  Sigh. 

Still , we go to the movies and let the actors and the stories carry us away to their reality, for an hour or two.  Movie Theaters are becoming so plush I am almost afraid to go.  At some of them, you can have dinner and drinks AND watch a movie.  If I did that, I would REALLY fall asleep and the ushers would have to wake me up at the end of the film!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I did meet JoAnne Woodward in a Hallmark shop once upon a time (she was wearing a blue dress, and buying Halloween cards) and yes, Paul Newman was waiting at the curb to pick her up, and I did meet Natalie Wood and one of her daughters in a shop once, where the girl and I were competing for the last Miss Piggy poster, but those days were a long time ago. Sigh...................................


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