Friday, May 20, 2016


Big surprise that I haven't been sleeping well.  Don't know why, but my rhythms seem off.  I fall into a heavy sleep then wake up WIDE awake two hours later.  I have to try to empty my mind and sleep.  I long for soothing relaxing dreams but lately they are just a chaotic extension of  my day.

Last night, or more accurately this morning, I dreamed I was working.  I was doing library stuff in the lobby of a weird hotel  I was having trouble with their phone system and I kept trying to find the paperwork to order paperback racks- we needed  something like a thousand of them, and I kept just finding more and more stacks of paper.  My boss- not any of my real bosses but someone I knew was my boss- kept handing me more stacks of paper that were just in a mixed up clump, not a neat stack.  In frustration, I tossed them on the sofa until the sofa was covered with paper- it was lined looseleaf paper by the way.  The boss sat on the sofa and I tried not to let her know I was frustrated.  IN the pile of things I found a book I was trying to read called Mrs Ysiguire's' eyeglasses ( there is no such book, I checked).  In the dream I knew it was about a Japanese woman who had been in the camps as a young girl and now was trying to get a new pair of glasses and to tell her story.  I REALLY wanted to read the book but it kept getting trapped in the papers and I kept losing it.  Someone kept yelling at me that I had transferred some complaining person to the speaker system in the hotel and now everyone could hear his complaints.  I woke up tired.

If I think about it, I know the dream means I am feeling overwhelmed at work- well DUH.   I wonder if somewhere in the dream is the solution.  Am I supposed to write the book?  That might be interesting as I know nothing about that era and I wonder if I could actually develop a character like her.  Her story was real in my mind.

I have been told that dreams are your subconscious, trying to tell you something.  Today, or this evening, when I am not so busy, I might give it some thought.  I just hope for a nice flying dream!

1 comment:

  1. Will this make you feel better or worse? It has been over six years, and (although, thank GOD! less and less often!) I still have some crazed stress dreams about the library, where no matter what I do, the computer keyboard doesn't do what I want, or a certain someone from Branch Library Services is screaming at me, (not you!) or a school I used to visit threatens to expose me as a fraud and tells me they don't want me there....................why why why?
    My friend Pauline asks what the hell I am eating at bedtime, but, alas, it doesn't seem to be that easily solved. At least you know what it means - and - don't you just LOVE flying dreams!
    Be of good cheer - and dream of you and Chris flying around, perhaps on a magic carpet!


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