Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Four Dead in Ohio" and May the Fourth be with you.

I remember the Kent State Massacre.  I was in Junior High.  I was very much against the war in Viet Nam.  My parents didn't care much for Richard Nixon, calling him "Tricky Dick" but they didn't understand the protest movement.  When four students were shot and killed and 9 others wounded  I got into a dinner table debate with my father.  We often debated, sometimes rather heatedly, about current events. I was anti-war.  I argued that some of the "protesters" were just students trying to get to class. I remember arguing about it with my father, that we have the right to peaceful assembly. and pointed out that some of the slain weren't even protesting, just trying to get across the campus I asked him what he would think if I had been one of the students killed. He said they must have deserved it. I think it scared him a bit and he was trying to rationalize it. He was from "the greatest generation" and could not understand how we, their children" could be protesting government policy. He understood later. It was a turning point of sorts in the anti war movement. The fact that we still remember it says something.

Yesterday was " StarWars Day" which started out as a pun "May the Fourth be with you" Did Han Solo develop a lisp... Ah Well. In my opinion, the first one was the best. Mind you I haven't seen the recent one yet. When Netflix has it, I will. The first three were done by George Lucas, whose vision and story this was. I think - and I amay be wrong- that there were other people influencing the next three. I really HATED them, miscast and with that stupid CGI character that just had an over the top annoyance factor. The first film had the wide eyed innocence and the daring- do of old classic adventure films ( think Errol Flynn in Robin Hood) It had all that cool stuff from Industrial Light and Magic. We had never seen the like! Now it's more like , oh yeah.. that was cool.. yawn... It's funny, when I saw it then, I rooted for Luke. Now I root for Han.

Anyone up for watching the first three with me? I'll bring the snacks!


  1. I would be up for watching Robin Hood - the old one with Errol Flynn.
    I saw the original one when it first appeared, none since - turning it seems into parodies of themselves.
    I am such a curmudgeon!

  2. I love Errol Flynn in this role and Olivia DeHaviland is absolutely luminous as Maid Marion. Rumor has it she was falling in love- albeit one-sidedly- with Flynn. He was such a rake, he supposedly treated her badly.

  3. I don't think I've ever seen the Errol Flynn Robin Hood. I saw the Kevin Costner one and I wish I could unsee it. But we all know, what has been seen cannot be unseen...


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