Monday, May 2, 2016


I went to not one but TWO retirement celebrations this weekend.  Both were rather quiet affairs, even though one had a program and a presentation and was quite formal.  It has me thinking about my own retirement.  That day seems long off,as I really want to get out from under Kate's college fees before I retire.  Sometimes I think my body is ready and sometimes it just freaks me out.  I have been working so long I don't know anyway else to live.  What does one DO in retirement ( I know I will hear from at least ONE retiree who is quite vocal on the subject)   I asked the Retirement folks to work up my numbers a while ago but have never heard back from them.  There are a few things holding me back from retiring and once I work those out I am gone.  I DO want the biggest party- or maybe I don't.  I think the manner of my exit will be clearer once it becomes real.

One retiree is a friend about my age who is boldly moving herself across the country to where part of her family  and I think her heart, is.  I will miss her but plan on descending on her after she is well settled.  I have never seen New England.  With her it would be a lot of fun.
The other retiree was a woman I worked with for 30 years.  She has had a few life changing events this year and she just got tired.  I wish her well. Her staff were crying as they spoke at the party. Her tutelage will be felt in our department for a very long time, not a bad legacy to have if you think about it.   I wonder sometimes if the work we do DOES make a difference.  The quote at the bottom of my office email reminds me that I should "Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does."    I will try to remember that as I go through a day of seemingly never-ending problems, that and "some days are better than others."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you know I have to make a comment! Well, today being a Monday, I woke up at 7 twenty-something, adn thought - hell no! So Sparky the wonder cat and I went back to sleep until almost 9 (really early for us!) and am now lolling with coffee, your blog - did a load of laundry, Robyn - what you do all day is live and enjoy yourself! What YOU do for the library has ALWAYS made a difference. I remember once upn a time years and years ago subbing at Lincoln Heights and someone had a poster above their desk - everyone brings joy to the workplace - some by arriving, some by leaving! I would amend that to - some bring joy by being there. And then YOU get the joy when you retire! Tom


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